Friday, July 5, 2024

What Does An Addiction Psychiatrist Do

What Does A Psychiatrist Do

Psychiatrist, Therapist, Social Worker, LCSW, Psychologist… Who Should You See?

When you make an appointment with a psychiatrist, theyâll first ask about your mental and physical symptoms. This may involve a physical exam, lab tests, and/or a psychological evaluation. As part of the process theyâll refer to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders to determine what mental illness you may have. Published by the American Psychiatric Association, this manual is used by mental health professionals for diagnoses and by insurance companies for reimbursement purposes.

There are numerous classes of mental illness, including:

Addiction Psychiatry Is New But Has Advanced A Lot

Addiction psychiatry has only been around since the early 1990s. It was created to add more subcategories to the world of psychiatry, and it became a category in 1993. Since then, the world of addiction psychiatry has grown, with 13 programs in 1997 and now 45 today.

Psychiatrists Are Qualified

A psychiatrist specializing in addiction goes through many stages of education before they can start their career. First, they need to go to medical school and become a general psychiatrist. Afterward, they go to an agency that the Accreditation Council accredits for Graduate Medical Education, where they learn how to treat and diagnose people who have substance abuse disorders. Then, they become psychiatrists and can work in public or private.

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Why you should ask: Youll want a clear picture of the services offered. There are two types of addiction doctors: Addiction medicine physicians and addiction psychiatrists. Both can do independent assessments and help set up complete treatment plans. Both can also prescribe medications for alcohol use disorder.

Here is how they differ:

Addiction medicinephysicians are often primary care doctors. They can provide a complete medical exam to assess all health issues, related or not to alcohol. They can also offer brief counseling to help motivate patients to make a change.

Addiction psychiatrists are experts in mental health. They are well prepared to care for patients with more than one mental health issue. Some provide both medications and talk therapy while others focus mainly on medications.

If the doctor provides medications but not behavioral treatment for AUD, ask if they can refer you to a licensed therapist for that part of the treatment. And check how often they communicate with these providers.

What to listen for: You can be assured that a board-certified addition doctor has had up to date training in managing the care of a patient with AUD. Youll just need to get a sense of whether to choose an addiction medicine physician or an addiction psychiatrist based on the individuals needs.

If you hire an addiction psychiatrist who will provide behavioral treatment, see the Q& As for therapists. And listen for mention of evidence-based behavioral treatment approaches.

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Doctor Of Osteopathic Medicine

Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine is a offered by in the . A DO graduate may become licensed as a . DOs have full practice rights in all 50 US states. As of 2021, there were more than 168,000 osteopathic physicians and osteopathic medical students in the United States.

DO degrees are offered in the United States at 37 . As of 2021, more than 26% of US medical students were DO students. The curricula at medical schools are , which focus the first two years on the and sciences, then two years on in the clinical specialties.

Only US-granted DO and MD programs are listed as medical schools in the . Upon completing medical school, a DO graduate may enter an or training program, which may be followed by . DO graduates attend the same programs as their MD counterparts.

One notable difference between DO and MD training is that DOs spend an additional 300â500 hours to study a set of hands-on manipulation of the along with learning conventional Western medicine and surgery like their MD peers.

What Is An Addiction Psychiatrist

What does a psychiatrist do?

An addiction psychiatrist specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of substance abuse and the mental health conditions that accompany it. Addiction psychiatrists treat people of all ages who have addictions to illegal drugs, alcohol, and prescription medications complicated by coexisting mental health disorders, such as depression, bipolar disorder, or schizophrenia.

An addiction psychiatrist typically:

  • Evaluates a patients medical history, history of substances the patient is using or has used, and mental health status

  • Diagnoses and conditions including substance addiction, depression, dementia, bipolar disorder, , post-traumatic stress disorder, personality disorders, sleep disorders, and eating disorder

  • Assesses a persons ability to perform everyday living activities, such as eating, dressing and driving

  • Orders and interprets laboratory and imaging tests

  • Provides comprehensive substance abuse treatment and addiction therapy, such as talk therapy. In some cases, the doctor will refer patients to a dedicated addiction therapist for more frequent counseling sessions.

  • Prescribes medications, helps manage their usage, determines if the medication is working, and monitors side effects

  • Provides detoxification treatment to safely wean patients off the substances

  • Consults with other members of a patients medical team including primary care doctors, neurologists, neuropsychologists, social workers, home healthcare nurses, and occupational therapists

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The Role Of An Alcohol Addiction Psychiatrist

An alcohol addiction psychiatrist diagnoses and treats substance abuse, including alcoholism and alcohol abuse. They treat patients of all ages and also deal with mental health disorders that may affect the patients addiction and ability to break the addiction. Several tasks an alcohol addiction psychiatrist performs include:

  • Evaluation of the patients condition and medical history
  • Diagnostic tests for mental health disorders and drug and alcohol addiction
  • Detoxification assistance and personalized treatment plans
  • Coordinates with other health professionals throughout treatment

Every alcohol addiction psychiatrist is unique and the specific ways in which they diagnose and treat patients may vary.

Addiction Psychiatrists Who Are They What Do They Do

Addiction psychiatrists are physicians, meaning they hold either an M.D. or D.O. . They specialise in all the potential effects of addiction on the brain and body, working through evaluation, diagnosis, and the treatment of patients to help them heal. Since many addicts experience co-existing mental illnesses simultaneously, addiction psychiatrists must have a strong knowledge in all areas of psychiatry.

A combination of extensive medical preparation, coupled with a wide understanding of psychology and mental health, is what enables psychiatrists to excel in their field. Addiction psychiatrists hold even greater expertise in the areas of recovery, prevention, identification, and treatment of substance abuse.

In their day-to-day practice, addiction psychiatrists may be responsible for:

  • Counselling patients
  • Reviewing and updating patient records
  • Creating individual recovery/care plans, including for the prescription and administration of medication
  • Running and evaluating diagnostic and laboratory tests
  • Group therapy
  • Interventions/Working with the families of patients
  • Developing and conducting research

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What Does A Therapist Do

Some people think of therapists as people who are trained to listen. While that may be a fairly comforting thought, therapy is about so much more than this. There are all different types of therapy. Someone who is a therapist will often employ many different methods while working with a patient. Its very much like talking with a friend who understands your situation and always knows the right away to help you.

Therapists are very helpful at assisting people with maneuvering through the bumps in life. They can see their patients for only a few weeks, or for much longer. Some people continue to go to talk with their therapists for years. This is because its helpful to have someone who is always ready to listen to your problems and issues.

Therapist can use their skills in a number of different ways. Probably the way most people are familiar with is through individual therapy sessions. This type of treatment can be for people dont feel comfortable talking in front of a group. However, in an addiction treatment setting, individual therapy is vital. It is during this time that the therapist is able to help the patient understand the cause of the addiction.

These professionals may also lead and participate in other forms of treatment, including:

  • Leading groups in a group therapy setting
  • Working with families
  • Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing therapy
  • Psychosexual therapy

Bringing Medical Expertise To Addiction Treatment

What Happens During the First Visit with a PSYCHIATRIST

As fully-trained medical doctors, psychiatrists are also unique among treatment staff in their ability to diagnose and treat a variety of health conditions. “We’re bringing to the table medical knowledge for psychiatric evaluations, therapeutic interventions, diagnostics like urine tests and blood tests, all while being mindful of complex medical issues,” Dr. Shah says.

It’s fairly common for individuals who suffer from addiction to also have co-occurring physical and mental health issues. Due to their medical training, psychiatrists are able to detect these problems and determine appropriate treatment for them.“Many people with addiction also have HIV or hepatitis, and itâs not uncommon that weâre the first to identify these infections,” Dr. Shah says. “We also see a lot of patients with diabetes, high blood pressure, sleep apnea, or COPD from smoking, so we really try to look out for them and integrate primary care into their treatment.”

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Questions To Ask Your Addiction Specialist

At your first meeting with your addiction specialist, you’ll probably be a bit overwhelmed, so it’s a good idea to bring a list of questions with you. Here are some questions that should be on your list:

When your appointment is finished, carefully consider whether the specialist is right for you. If you aren’t comfortable with your addiction specialist, it’s a good idea to get a second opinion from another professional. You want to choose an addiction specialist whom you respect and who respects you in return.

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Reasons To See An Addiction Specialist

People with addictions can lead complicated lives. Untreated addictions cause strained or broken relationships, trouble at work, and a lower quality of overall health. Those who seek help for their addictions can see improvements in their quality of life, including mended relationships, more success at work, and a longer, healthier life.

There are more resources available than ever before for people struggling with addictions. Addiction specialists are qualified to help with the recognized types of addictions, which include:

  • Drug and alcohol addiction
  • Eating disorders
  • Internet or gaming addiction

As addiction develops and progresses, known patterns of thinking, behavior, and family dynamics emerge. Its important that the professionals involved in client care are educated on those patterns and have a developed skill set to effect positive change in order to be of maximum benefit to the client and family, said Joanne Ketch, LPC, LMFT, an addiction specialist in Katy, Texas. A generalist is not going to have a sufficient skillset to assist substance abuse clients adequately. This is especially true in special circumstances such as when the client has co-occurring issues like depression or anxiety, or when the client has a significant relapse history.

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How Psychologists Compare To Psychiatrists And Therapists

Psychologists are trained to focus on how mental processes coincide with behaviors, emotions, reactions and, in cases of addiction or trauma, trigger events or situations. With this training, psychologists tend to examine behavior closely as a kind of symptom of underlying mental processes. Most psychologists apply specific psychological tests to determine the status of a mental disorder, to make a diagnosis, and to inform treatment. Psychologists are not medical doctors except for in a few states, they cannot prescribe medication for certain mental health conditions, such as addiction or depression.

Instead, those trained in psychology in assess the behaviors and thought processes of clients, and make an informed diagnosis based on their observations. Psychologists then work through this diagnosis with clients in order to help them make healthy decisions, clarify how they feel, and move forward. Psychologists often work closely with psychiatrists to give clients a holistic sense of support, and in some states are allowed to prescribe medication if they are certified in psychopharmacology.

Who Is An Addiction Psychiatrist

Important Things An Addiction Psychiatrist Does

Just as the name implies, addiction psychiatrists are specialists that carry out the diagnosis and treatment of drug abuse. In addition to drug abuse, they also deal with the accompanying mental health issues.

These specialists cater to persons of all ages. Once you involve yourself in drugs, alcohol, or prescription meds abuse, they are the people to go to. It becomes even imperative to visit these specialists when you suffer from coexisting mental health issues. Mental health conditions like depression, bipolar disorder, and schizophrenia can complicate your addiction.

You cannot overestimate the role these specialists play during addiction recovery treatment. Addiction psychiatrists are involved in the following:

  • The evaluation of your medical history, your substance-use history, and your mental condition
  • Diagnosis of psychiatric diseases like dementia, post-traumatic stress disorder, bipolar disorder, anxiety, depression, sleep disorders, and eating disorders.
  • They examine your ability to go about daily activities.
  • They oversee the execution of laboratory tests on you if needed
  • They provide you with therapy. Though in most cases, they refer you to a dedicated facility.
  • They can also prescribe medication for you
  • They carry out the detoxification process
  • They help you reach the best medical team to oversee your treatment

Essentially, your recovery journey should begin with an addiction psychiatrist.

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Availability: Is Dr : : : : Accepting New Patients Were Exploring Several Options And If We Choose You How Soon Could Treatment Begin

Why you should ask: You want them to know youre actively searching for a treatment provider and that youll probably want to start as soon as possible. Specialist doctors may have limited availability, or they may schedule their intake and assessment appointments on certain days and times. Find out now whether there might be any delays in getting started.

Tip: If the doctor is not accepting new patients, ask for a referral to someone they recommend, and call and interview that person. See also What if I cant find a nearby board-certified addiction doctor? in the Navigator FAQs.

A Career In Addiction Psychiatry

There are ample job opportunities in addiction psychiatry. There is a shortage of specialists in this field, in many clinical settings, and psychiatrists trained in the treatment of substance abuse will have a range of attractive choices for a practice setting.

The patient population is underserved, so there is an increase in mandates for addiction treatment from both county and municipal governments and third-party or private payers leading to a demand for credentialed addiction specialists. So, multiple opportunities exist in both the public and private sectors.

Addiction psychiatry provides career opportunities in all fields. Particularly promising are child psychiatry, consultation/liaison psychiatry, and forensic psychiatry.

For psychiatrists interested in research, the substance abuse field offers a wealth of unexplored areas. Early-career psychiatrists, entering the field of substance abuse, will have a wealth of opportunities for pursuing research funding. Clinical research in the field of addiction psychiatry has obtained increased governmental funding in the past several years. This trend shows every promise of continuing, therefore, research psychiatrists working in the field of addiction psychiatry are in a position to reap the benefits of this enhanced support.

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What Does A Drug Addiction Psychiatrist Do

A drug addiction psychiatrist is a professional who specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of substance abuse and the mental health disorders that typically accompany it. It is not uncommon for drug addiction and mental illness to coexist or, as they do in many cases, to feed off of one another. A psychiatrist in this field evaluates individuals of all ages who live with addiction and provides comprehensive treatment and therapy.

Who Should See An Addiction Psychiatrist

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People of all ages who have a substance addiction disorder should consider seeing an addiction psychiatrist. People with a history of substance abuse and who have a mental health disorder, such as , schizophrenia, or bipolar disorder should also consider seeing an addiction .

In many cases, people who see an addiction psychiatrist are referred by an addiction therapist, , general psychiatrist, or primary care doctor. In addition, patients who are voluntarily or involuntarily admitted to an inpatient or outpatient addiction treatment center will most likely be treated by a psychiatrist who specializes in addiction.

Substance abuse itself affects your mental and physical health. If you or a family member is abusing or addicted to drugs, seeking help from an addiction psychiatrist may prevent serious and permanent mental and physical diseases, disorders and conditions due to excessive, long-term exposure to drugs.

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How Therapists Compare To Psychiatrists And Psychologists

When you engage in one-on-one counseling sessions during your recovery process, this will be with a therapist. A therapist can include psychiatrists and psychologists, as well as individuals with other certifications and focus areas, such as life coaches, social workers, and marriage counselors.

Therapist is an umbrella term, including individuals with a graduate degree, a PhD, and even certificates in specialized fields like family counseling, clinical psychology, substance abuse and social work. With their psychological training in these specialized areas, therapists are there to help you identify how life experiences have contributed to negative life outcomes, and work with you in developing healthy coping mechanisms to address these issues moving forward. There is no one approach to therapy. Instead, you will work with your therapist in developing successful strategies for managing addiction and behaviors.

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