Tuesday, September 3, 2024

How To Get Over Alcohol Addiction

Natural Remedies To Control Alcohol Shakes

How to Overcome Alcohol Addiction | Beat Addictions

Making the choice to quit drinking requires courage and bravery. The process of detoxing is challenging, especially if you experience the alcohol shakes.

There is always light at the end of the tunnel though and you will get through that challenging time.

And you dont need to call your doctor to get a pharmaceutical to help you through it.

Use Intentional Breathing Techniques

Deep breathing can help you re-engage your prefrontal cortex, which is the part of your brain that handles critical thinking and reasoning. When we are stressed, we often forget to breathe. So, if you are feeling a craving, its helpful to take a deep breath following these guidelines:

  • Breathe in through your nose for four seconds. Hold the breath for four seconds.
  • Breathe out through your mouth for four seconds. Pause for four seconds and then repeat.

Doing this will help maintain your critical thinking ability during withdrawal.

Ways To Reduce Alcohol Use

Here are nine ways to reduce, or cut back on, alcohol use:

  • Commit to reducing alcohol use in writing. List the reasons why you want to cut back and refer to the list for motivation.
  • Set a limit goal. For example, commit to changing your drinking habits and have no more than two drinks per week or drinking only one day a week. Or approach this strategy from the reverse and schedule alcohol-free days.
  • Journal about your drinking for a few weeks. Keep track of when you drink, how much, what youre doing, and how you feel before, during, and after drinking.
  • Dont keep alcohol at home. This will naturally reduce cravings and urges to drink.
  • Drink slowly. Set a time for how long it will take you to sip a drink and try not to finish a drink sooner than this time.
  • Counter each alcoholic drink with water, soda, or juice. This can also help reduce alcohol cravings.
  • Schedule activities that dont revolve around drinking. Instead of meeting friends for a drink, go for a walk, see a movie, or play sports.
  • Let friends and family members know youre cutting back on alcohol intake. Also, ask them to support your efforts.
  • Avoid places and people that test your willpower. Try to go places that do not encourage drinking.
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    Why Alcohol Addiction Treatment Helps To Beat Alcohol Addiction

    There are many reasons why alcohol addiction treatment aids in beating alcoholism. First and foremost, its important for you to understand that recovering from alcoholism should not be attempted on your own. Its certainly tempting to try to stop drinking without professional help first. You may consider it just to see if you can do it. However, its an attempt that could result in devastating consequences.

    When you go to alcoholism treatment, youll get assistance for your withdrawal symptoms. Alcohol withdrawal is so difficult to deal with not to mention, it can also be dangerous. Stopping the use of alcohol is very hard once withdrawal sets in. Youre likely to either put your life at risk, or just go back to drinking to get relief.

    For these two reasons, it makes sense to get the professional support you need at an alcohol rehab center. Of course, there are other reasons as well. These can include:

    • Being separated from people that may be contributing to your alcoholism
    • Being around others who are also concentrating on beating alcoholism
    • Having professional support every day, all day long.
    • Gaining access to proven treatment methods that actually work.

    Being able to learn how you can live your life without being dependent upon alcohol to do so.

    Tips For Selecting Treatment

    How Long Does It Take To Get Over Alcohol Addiction?

    Professionals in the alcohol treatment field offer advice on what to consider when choosing a treatment program.

    Overall, gather as much information as you can about the program or provider before making a decision on treatment. If you know someone who has first-hand knowledge of the program, it may help to ask about his or her personal experience.

    Here are some questions you can ask that may help guide your choice:

    • What kind of treatment does the program or provider offer? It is important to gauge whether the facility provides all the currently available methods or relies on one approach. You may want to learn if the program or provider offers medication and if mental health issues are addressed together with addiction treatment.

    • Is treatment tailored to the individual? Matching the right therapy to the individual is important to its success. No single treatment will benefit everyone. It may also be helpful to determine whether treatment will be adapted to meet changing needs as they arise.

    • What is expected of the patient? You will want to understand what will be asked of you in order to decide what treatment best suits your needs.

    • Is treatment success measured? By assessing whether and how the program or provider measures success, you may be able to better compare your options.

    • How does the program or provider handle relapse? Relapse is common, and you will want to know how it is addressed. For more information on relapse, see Relapse Is Part of the Process.

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    There Is No One Size Fits All Treatment

    But while theres no magic bullet, there are also many different paths to successful recovery.

    Some people benefit from the structure, social dependency, and quasi-religious nature of 12 step recovery programs. Others dont need group therapy or counselling, but they do need to be shown ways to make positive changes in their lives.

    One thing that most paths to successful recovery share, is that theyre focused on long-term personal growth strategies, rather than short term tactics.

    How Do I Know If I Need To Quit Drinking Alcohol

    The easiest way to know if you need to quit drinking alcohol is to try to stop. If you are successful in limiting alcohol intake, you might not need to stop long-term. You might choose to stop drinking or curb your drinking, but if youre able to so, its unlikely you have a problem with alcohol use.

    If you choose to stop drinking, most experts recommend at least a three-day alcohol sabbatical. If you experience withdrawal symptoms or your life is dramatically affected, its a sign you have a problem.

    Another way to determine if its time to cut back on or stop drinking alcohol is to assess your life.

    Self-reflection helps you determine if you are happy with the status of things or if you want to change. If your friends and family express displeasure with your alcohol consumption or your work or school life are suffering, its a sign of a problem.

    Alcohol use disorder occurs when you cannot control how much you drink. Its a brain disorder, and requires more than just willpower to overcome. However, you dont need AUD to know that its time to quit drinking alcohol. For some, controlling their alcohol consumption is an important factor in avoiding AUD.

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    How To Taper Off Alcohol At Home

    The purpose of tapering off alcohol is to avoid major withdrawal symptoms so you can achieve sobriety safely. The time it takes to taper will depend on how long youve been drinking, how much youve been drinking and a variety of personal factors.

    You should start by determining how much alcohol you drink per day in terms of standard drinks.

    The National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism defines standard drinks as:

    • 12 ounces of beer with 5 percent alcohol content
    • 5 ounces of wine with 12 percent alcohol content
    • 1.5 ounces of liquor with 40 percent alcohol content

    The alcohol content in specific beer, wine and liquor products differs. You can use the guidelines to get an idea of how many standard drinks youre used to. Experts at The HAMS Harm Reduction Network, which comprises doctors, social workers, therapists and other experts, recommend using beer to taper because its easier to get drunk from liquor or wine.

    You should plan to taper for between three and seven days depending on how much youre used to drinking. Slowly reduce the amount of alcohol you consume each day until you reach sobriety. If you begin to experience serious withdrawal symptoms, drink enough to make the symptoms subside.

    If youre unable to reduce how much you drink, you may have a disease called alcoholism that requires professional addiction treatment. Alcohol rehab helps you taper off alcohol, and it treats other side effects and causes of alcoholism.

    Surprising Home Remedies For Addiction To Alcohol

    Alcohol And Emotions – Getting Over Addictions Series

    by Kiran Patillast updated – January 29, 2020 Evidence Based

    Although alcohol is one of the most common causes of many fatal diseases, such as liver cirrhosis, it continues to be a favorite beverage of many people. While severe alcoholism needs specialized treatments, one can also follow simple home-based remedies that include consumption of grapes, bitter gourd, apples, celery, dates, almonds, evening primrose, ginseng, milk thistle, dandelion, skullcap, licorice roots, fruit juices, and a balanced diet. These home remedies have proven to be useful in many cases all over the world.

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    Addiction Doesnt Just Impact The User

    For how common addiction and substance abuse disorder actually are, its surprising that there still lies a stigma around it and seeking help. While the media will portray celebrities consuming copious amounts of drugs and alcohol freely, they shy away from highlighting the negative impacts felt on the other side of the abuse. Millions of Americans are currently battling with drug addiction and alcoholism, some as young as 14 years of age. These findings include abuse of:

    • Alcohol

    How Can A Psychologist Help

    Psychologists who are trained and experienced in treating alcohol problems can be helpful in many ways. Before the drinker seeks assistance, a psychologist can guide the family or others in helping to increase the drinker’s motivation to change.

    A psychologist can begin with the drinker by assessing the types and degrees of problems the drinker has experienced. The results of the assessment can offer initial guidance to the drinker about what treatment to seek and help motivate the problem drinker to get treatment. Individuals with drinking problems improve their chances of recovery by seeking help early.

    Using one or more of several types of psychological therapies, psychologists can help people address psychological issues involved in their problem drinking. A number of these therapies, including cognitive-behavioral coping skills treatment and motivational enhancement therapy, were developed by psychologists. Additional therapies include 12-Step facilitation approaches that assist those with drinking problems in using self-help programs such as Alcoholics Anonymous .

    These therapies can help people boost their motivation to stop drinking, identify circumstances that trigger drinking, learn new methods to cope with high-risk drinking situations, and develop social support systems within their own communities.

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    Look To The Power Of Natural Remedies To Control Your Alcohol Shakes

    If youre embarking on this life-changing journey, you need only to go into it prepared. Here are five things youll want to do.

    1. Arm yourself with certain herbs

    Your liver takes the brunt of alcohol abuse. But your nervous system takes a hit too.

    Fortunately, treating the liver and calming the nervous system are areas where herbs excel.

    One of the best is damiana for its ability to enhance mood and reduce alcohol cravings. Passionflower and Skullcap are also both wonderful for their ability to relax the nervous system and are often used specifically for reducing withdrawal symptoms, like alcohol shakes.

    Other herbs effective for withdrawal and nervous system support are:

    • Kava
    • St. Johns Wort
    • Hops

    It should be noted though that Hops are not good for those with depression, and St. Johns Wort should not be used by those taking pharmaceutical antidepressants.

    2. Focus on a healthy diet

    Before you begin the alcohol detox, shift to a healthy diet rich in lean proteins like chicken, eggs, fish and non-fatty meats. Add in a lot of raw fruits and vegetables, whole grains, potatoes, beans and pasta.

    Youd also be wise to prepare with a good multivitamin and mineral supplement. Particularly one that includes B and C, as well as calcium, potassium and magnesium.

    Get in the habit of eating every three hours to avoid hunger that could lead to alcohol cravings, which will become more intense once the alcohol shakes set in.

    3. Drink plenty of water

    4. Enlist your support system

    Avoiding Replacement Addictive Behaviors

    Damaging Brew: Adult Children of Alcoholics

    Some people find that when they quit or change an addictive behavior, another comes along to replace it. Heavy drinkers and smokers often find themselves overeating and putting on weight. People struggling with sex addiction might find themselves obsessed with exercise.

    Addictive behaviors have similar neurological and psychological processes and create rewarding feelings and sensations. So replacement addictive behaviors are common among those trying to overcome an addiction.

    The trick to avoiding replacement addictions is to find satisfaction in the experiences of normal life. These experiences may lack the intensity and high of addictive behaviors, but getting to know and like them can introduce a new level of calm you may have never experienced before.

    Many people feel they are more in touch with reality and that relationships are more authentic than when they were constantly seeking pleasure.

    The other important aspect of avoiding replacement addictions is to address any underlying mental health problems. Addictions can cover up past trauma, or underlying feelings of emptiness, sadness, or fear. Psychological therapies, as well as medications, can provide long-term relief for these problems, which addictions tend to worsen over time.

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    Make Your Intentions Known:

    This is the last but very important out of the tips on how to get rid of alcohol addiction naturally that I would like to introduce in this entire writing and want my readers to learn and make use for good!

    Tell your friends and family members that you are trying to quit alcohol and show them why you decided to do so. This way, you will be able to share your successes with your dears, and they will understand why you have started turning down trips or putting down alcoholic drinks when going to the pub.

    Remember to remind yourself and the people close to you regularly why you need to quit alcohol because this can help to keep you on track, and even also encourage other people to cut down or give up drinking with you.

    This is the list of the most effective tips on how to get rid of alcohol addiction naturally that might be very useful for readers of VKool.com who are also concerning about how they can get rid of the alcohol addiction naturally and safely without using any type of drugs, pills, or medications, as well as without concerning about any side effect they can get during the process. These home remedies are proven safe and natural so that people should feel secure about them.

    Related articles about alcohol problems, how to treat, and how to improve the liver function:

    Understanding Alcohol Use Disorders And Their Treatment

    People with alcohol use disorders drink to excess, endangering both themselves and others. This question-and-answer fact sheet explains alcohol problems and how psychologists can help people recover.

    Understanding alcohol use disorders and their treatment.

    For many people, drinking alcohol is nothing more than a pleasant way to relax. People with alcohol use disorders, however, drink to excess, endangering both themselves and others. This question-and-answer fact sheet explains alcohol problems and how psychologists can help people recover.

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    Repeated Attempts To Stop Drinking Alcohol

    If your loved one has tried and failed to quit drinking alcohol on their own, they should seek help from an alcohol treatment center with the right addiction treatment programs. Alcohol rehab can be a great way for them to get sober and make sure this never happens again in the future.

    Alcohol addiction is tough to break even with professional guidance. It takes specialized training and tools that a professional at an alcohol treatment center will have. This is exactly why you should find a rehab center as soon as possible if your loved one has tried and failed to quit drinking on their own in the past.

    Your loved one might need help from professionals who specialize in helping people get sober, so dont hesitate to find a good alcohol rehab center as soon as possible if they have tried and failed to quit drinking on their own in the past.

    Dont let your loved one make this mistake again. Find an alcohol treatment center if you notice they are repeatedly failing. Alcohol addiction is a serious problem that needs professional help, so find an alcohol rehab center right away.

    How To Stop Binge Drinking

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    Of course, not all people have the same pattern of alcohol use. For some, the issue may not be daily, heavy drinking, but a pattern of binging on certain evenings or weekends.

    Binge drinking is generally defined as four or more drinks on one occasion for women, and five or more for men. While this may overlap with alcohol use disorder, it doesnt necessarily. Some people binge only occasionally and may not qualify as addicted to alcohol. On average, however, one in six Americans binge drink at least once a week.

    Long term, this pattern can have negative health consequences, or lead to a larger drinking problem. If you find that its hard for you to control how much you drink on social occasions, or that youve developed a habit of drinking heavily some nights to manage stress, its best to reign it in sooner rather than later.

    Solutions include apps to help you monitor your drinking habits, a mobile breathalyzer to keep you aware of your blood alcohol content, and medication. Naltrexone in particular is prescribed to help people achieve moderation, or control their consumption on social occasions. It works by reducing the pleasurable effects of alcohol, blocking the reward cycle in your brain that can lead to runaway consumption.

    While getting help for alcohol tends to be associated with more severe problem drinking, it doesnt need to be. Many types of alcohol use can have a negative impact. You dont need to identify as an alcoholic to want to drink less than you do.

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