Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Addiction Treatment Centers In Oklahoma

Finding A Substance Abuse Treatment Center In Oklahoma City

12& 12 Now Oklahoma’s First Addiction Center For Meth-Related Treatment

Start by determining your coverage

In order to determine your best options for a rehabilitation center, youâll need to learn about your health insurance coverage. You can reach out to your private or healthcare marketplace insurance provider to find out which centers you are able to utilize. To learn if you qualify for low-income Medicaid services, and to determine eligibility, visit the Oklahoma Health Care Authority website. No matter the type of coverage you have, insurance companies â both public and private â must cover substance abuse treatment for qualified individuals.

Use our database to find a treatment center near you

The tool below lists all of the treatment centers in the state of Oklahoma recognized by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration . Input your zip code and select the filter icon to find relevant treatment centers near you.

Schedule an assessment

If you are pursuing treatment that will be covered by insurance, your first step will likely be scheduling an assessment by a qualified individual, such as a therapist or counselor. Most facilities provide assessments, or your primary care provider may be able to refer you. Contact companies in our database above to find out if they will provide this service.

Payment Methods and Insurance Accepted

What To Consider When Choosing A Rehab Center

When thinking about which rehabilitation programs and treatment options to explore, some important questions you should consider asking include:

There are various factors that will impact your rehab options, such as the severity of your addiction, your financial position, and your unique personal situation.

For more information on how to make all of these decisions, read our guide toChoosing the Right Rehab.

Getting Sober In Oklahoma Rehab

Oklahoma drug rehab centers offer varied forms of treatment that can be tailored to the needs of the patient. With a right center, anyone suffering from addiction can learn the right skills to live a sober life. So, the first step to a brighter future is selecting the best Oklahoma alcohol rehab center.

  • Lowe J, Liang H, Riggs C, Henson J, Elder T. Community partnership to affect substance abuse among Native American adolescents. American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse. 2012 38: 450455. doi:10.3109/00952990.2012.694534.
  • SAMHSA American Indian/Alaska Native Data. Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration.
  • Sobering Facts: Drunk Driving in OKLAHOMA. Center for Desease Control and Prevention. 2014.
  • Oklahoma Adolescent Substance Abuse Facts. The U.S. Department of Health & Human Services. 2019.
  • Oklahoma Opioid Summary. National Institute on Drug Abuse. 2019.
  • U.S. Opioid Prescribing Rate Maps. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. 2018.
  • About Author

    Isaak Stotts, LP

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    Alcoholism Stats In Oklahoma

    The Oklahoma Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services reports that the state has the 11th highest rate of alcohol poisoning in the US. A few more trends in 2015 include the following:

    • Oklahoma ranks 3rd nationally for the percentage of alcohol consumed by underage youth.
    • 72,000 adolescents and young adults ages 12-20 report binge drinking.
    • 326,000 people ages 12 and above are dependent on alcohol.
    • 159,000 Oklahomans, ages 21 and above reported heavy alcohol use, which is defined as having five or more drinks on at least five different occasions, in the past 30 days.
    • A Princeton study concluded chronic liver diseases or cirrhosis associated with alcohol consumption is one of the three causes of death associated with increased midlife white mortality.
    • From 2003-2012, 2,205 people were killed in crashes involving a drunk driver in Oklahoma.

    Paying For Addiction Treatment In Oklahoma

    9 Best Detox And Drug Rehab Centers In Oklahoma

    When looking for the right Oklahoma rehab for your treatment needs, you may be wondering how you can cover the cost. Many health insurance providers will cover at least part of the cost of rehab for a facility that is in-network. Medicare and Medicaid may be another option to pay for treatment for those who qualify. If you do not have insurance, some drug rehabilitation centers in Oklahoma offer financing options or sliding scale programs.

    State-funded rehabs in Oklahoma provide addiction treatment at a lower cost than a private facility however, they have strict requirements for admission and not everyone will qualify. Another low-cost alternative or sometimes free treatment option is to take advantage of local resources. Some charitable organizations may offer services to help people struggling with substance use disorders. These programs typically do not have the same amenities as a private facility and may also have limitations on treatment options.

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    Key Indicators Of Substance Abuse Issues

    When trying to understand substance abuse issues in a specific area, researchers and policymakers examine key indicators. Combined with usage statistics, key indicators can provide a deep level of insight into which substances present the most serious concerns and which demographics can be most impacted by substance abuse. Key indicators of substance abuse issues within the state of Oklahoma, along with recent, credible statistics, are examined below.

    Over 575,000 Oklahomans suffer from mental illness every year

    As discussed earlier in this guide, there is a strong link between substance use disorders and mental health disorders. When an individual is afflicted with both of these issues at the same time, health professionals refer to it as co-occurring substance use and mental health disorders or a dual diagnosis. Consequently, the prevalence of mental health issues in a given state can also help us to understand the level of substance abuse.

    of Oklahoma adults had a serious mental illness


    of Oklahoma adults had a major depressive episode

    From 2017-2018, 5.2% of Oklahoma adults aged 18 and over were afflicted with a serious mental illness, compared to 4.6% nationally. Among Oklahoma residents, 8.2% of adults suffered a major depressive episode in the past year, compared to a national rate of 7.1%.

    The table below sheds some light on the prevalence of mental health issues in Oklahoma.

    Mental Health Issues in Oklahoma by Age and Percentage of Population, 2016-2017

    Laws Of Oklahoma Drug Use

    The Sooner State is known for having some of the toughest drug laws in the country. Nearly 17,000 people are arrested for drug offenses every year in Oklahoma, including the possession, sale and manufacturing of any type of illegal drug.

    Oklahoma imposes extremely harsh penalties for drug offenses that can result in expensive fines, long jail sentences or a combination of both.

    Oklahoma categorizes illegal substances into separate schedules schedules I, II, III, IV and V. Schedules I and II include drugs with the highest potential for abuse and little to no accepted medical use. In contrast, substances in schedules III through V include drugs with less risk for dependency and greater use in a medical setting.

    While theres a vast number of substances classified in each schedule, below are a few examples of the most common drugs for each:

    • Schedule I: Heroin
    5 years $1,000

    In April 2016, the governor of Oklahoma signed HB 2479, which cut the sentences for a second marijuana possession offense in half. The previous penalty for a second offense was a 10-year prison sentence. Effective November 2016, all maximum sentences will be reduced to five years.

    Medical marijuana legislation is very limited in Oklahoma. Only cannabidiol , a low-THC oil derived from the cannabis plant, is allowed for the treatment of pediatric epilepsy. The oil may not contain any more than three-tenths of one percent of THC.

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    Most Abused Substances In Oklahoma

    Prescription opioid abuse remains one of the states most eclipsing addictions. In America, according to figures coming from the governments Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, opioid deaths have quadrupled since 1999, with their sales increasing by a close percentage.

    The surging substance abuse situation Oklahoma faces has taken a heavy toll on the life of everyone. In 2010, the addiction cost the residents a whopping $7.2 billion. But the problem affects far more than just the citizens pockets. The abuse of alcohol, drugs, and other substances determinants health, well-being, and quality of life.

    There is an evident need for more treatment centers. For those, taking painkillers for example. Their non-medical abuse in Oklahoma, as mentioned above, tops the list of all states. Apart from prescribed medication, common drugs of choice include alcohol, marijuana, and cocaine. Meth, too, is a primary drug for 19% of those surveyed in 2011.

    Oklahoma is the state that has been fighting the epidemic of substance abuse for many years now. Each year, hundreds and thousands of citizens of the country involve themselves in illicit drug use. Based on the Health Department of Oklahomas Report of 2018, More than four out of five unintentional prescription drug overdose deaths in OK involve at least one prescription opioid.

    Some drug abuse statistics in the state of Oklahoma are listed below:

    Specialized Outpatient Services Oklahoma City

    Learn About Our Addiction Recovery Center in Edmond, Oklahoma

    Specialized Outpatient Services is a treatment center that serves adults, teens, and families that struggle with substance abuse. They also provide DUI services, drug testing, and various forms of counseling. The substance abuse programs they offer include early intervention, assessments, extended outpatient treatment, and intensive outpatient treatment.

    For more information on this facility go to

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    The Best Rehabs In Oklahoma City Ok

    The cost of rehab can be high, depending on your needs and location. Whether or not you have insurance, there are ways for you to get help breaking free of your addiction. According to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Administration , there are 35 substance abuse treatment centers in the Oklahoma City area. Many of these organizations are on a mission to provide substance abuse recovery services to residents, regardless of their financial status. Of these 35 centers, Catalyst Behavioral Services Community House has received the highest overall scores based on our five core metrics.

    We used these five core metrics to evaluate the quality of each facility. For more information, feel free to read a full breakdown of our filtering process and ranking methodology.

    1. Catalyst Behavioral Services Community House

    Community House has provided addiction treatment in Oklahoma City for over forty years, and the center is recognized and accredited by C.A.R.F . It accepts Medicare, Medicaid, and IHS/Tribal/Urban funds, as well as most private health insurance plans. For clients without insurance coverage, it offers affordable rates on a sliding fee scale that can be determined by a free eligibility screening.

    • Rehabilitation Services Provided: 6.68
    • Special Programs for Unique Demographics: 8.52
    • Ancillary Services: 10

    2. NorthCare of Oklahoma City

    • Rehabilitation Services Provided: 5.01
    • Special Programs for Unique Demographics: 4.97
    • Ancillary Services: 6.17

    3. The Recovery Center

    Paying For Treatment When Uninsured

    Even with the above options for assistance, many people end up paying for treatment when uninsured. Often, the person who is abusing substances hasn’t maintained health insurance or applied for assistance. And waiting for coverage when rehab is needed is extremely risky and should be avoided whenever possible.

    Luckily, some programs understand this dilemma and help make treatment more affordable by offering sliding scale payment assistance. With a sliding scale, the less income a person makes, the less they are charged for the program. The cost may also be split into affordable payments so they can begin treatment sooner if they don’t have the total.

    For more information on how to pay for treatment, you can reach out to one of the treatment specialists at or contact the center directly.

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    Alcohol Training & Education Midwest City

    Alcohol Training & Education is a counseling center that seeks to help those struggling with different issues including dependency, anger management, and domestic violence. Clients can participate in group and individual counseling, receive recommendations for different programs, and work toward getting their drivers license back after completion of the programs.

    Legal Risk For Drug Abuse In Oklahoma

    9 Best Detox And Drug Rehab Centers In Oklahoma

    Drug addiction carries an increased risk of legal trouble. In Oklahoma, that can take the form of stiff fines or penalties under the states strict drug laws. Jail time is a real possibility for many drug-related offenses. In Oklahoma, rehab centers can help you avoid these legal pitfalls.

    Oklahoma drug statutes group substances in the following categories:

    Schedule I substances: Opiates, opium derivatives, hallucinogens, depressants and stimulants, and synthetic cannabinoids with the highest potential for abuse: These drugs include:

    • LSD
    • Heroin
    • Certain types of amphetamines

    Schedule II substances: Opiates , hallucinogens, depressants, and stimulants with high potential for abuse and dependency. Drugs in this category include:

    • Cocaine
    • Oxycodone
    • Methamphetamine

    Schedule III substances: Drugs that have a lower potential risk of abuse and dependency than Schedule I or II substances. They also may be legally used in a medical setting. These include:

    • GHB
    • Anabolic steroids
    • Barbiturates

    Schedule IV substances: These are prescription medications that have a low abuse and dependency risk compared to the other categories. Among these substances are:

    • Klonopin
    • Ativan
    • Phenobarbital

    Schedule V substances: Many of these drugs are readily available in prescription form. These medications may contain:

    • Codeine

    Here are some of the major drug laws in Oklahoma:

    Schedule I

    Schedule II

    Schedule III and IV

    • Possession: Up to 1 year of jail time less than $1,000 in fines.

    Schedule V

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    Oklahoma Drug & Alcohol Treatment Programs

    Each person who suffers from a substance use disorder may require multiple levels of care to achieve a successful recovery.

    To address the needs of a wide range of individuals, Oklahoma rehab facilities offer several drug and alcohol treatment programs, including:

    • individual needs assessments and program referrals
    • detoxification
    • substance abuse education
    • prevention services

    The level of treatment you require will depend on the results of your individual needs assessment and your treatment providers recommendation.

    Depending on your circumstances, needs, and goals, you may need to undergo several levels of treatment to achieve long-term recovery.

    What To Look For In A Rehab Center

    When looking for a private drug rehab center, keep a few key features in mind. These are an important part of ensuring that they have access to the level of care that they need.

    First, its important to find a rehab center that has a thorough evaluation process. Its a key element in creating a custom treatment plan. Without proper evaluation, rehab centers have no way to know which treatments best fit peoples needs.

    Beyond evaluations, people also want to look for a facility that offers detox and drug and alcohol rehab in the same location. It eliminates the need to travel between facilities for each service. The less traveling that they have to do during treatment, the better.

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    Oakwood Springs Oklahoma City Oklahoma

    Oakwood Springs is a behavioral health services center offering dual diagnosis care, mental health treatment, and inpatient drug rehab.

    Other addiction treatment programs available here include:

    Trusted features of this recovery center include:

    • Joint Commission accreditation
    • favorable reviews from clients in long-term recovery

    Location and contact information:


    Outpatient Oklahoma Drug Rehab And Alcohol Treatment

    Rehabilitation centers across Oklahoma see rise in alcohol, opioid abuse amid pandemic

    Our Oklahoma City location offers outpatient treatment for individuals who are looking to continue the recovery journey without interrupting work or family life. The facility is located at 58th and May, a convenient location for those who want easily-accessible support in the metro. Outpatient programs are an effective method of recovery, and our scheduling is created to accommodate a variety of work and life schedules.

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    Alcohol Addiction Treatment In Oklahoma City Ok

    Home » Alcohol Addiction Treatment

    Alcohol addiction, sometimes known as alcohol abuse, alcohol dependence, or alcohol use disorder , is a complicated, chronic brain disease. It affects not only the person who drinks, but also family and friends. It can cause problems at home, work, or school. And it can be incredibly hard to stop.

    What we really want you to know about alcohol addiction is that its treatable.

    Our treatment programs will help you quit drinking and stay sober. We offer medically assisted detox treatment to help you withdraw safely from alcohol, along with psychiatric support to address dangerous behaviors and habits. Well help you identify triggers people, places, and things that prompt you to drink and learn strategies to change or avoid them.

    At our facilities, we treat the whole person, not just the illness. Your treatment plan will be unique to you, focused on your short-term and long-term goals for recovery. It may include medically supervised detox, talk therapy, and recreational therapy. Youll also have opportunities to participate in peer support groups, like Alcoholics Anonymous.

    Drug Addiction In Oklahoma

    The opioid epidemic in the United States has affected Oklahoma, with the number of overdose deaths significantly increasing over the past decade. The good news is that the state has low rates of alcohol, and cocaine use, though some measures of alcohol abuse are above national averages.1,2,4

    Further, adolescents in Oklahoma appear to be more susceptible to serious mental illness, including major depressive disorder, compared to same-aged adolescents in other states.2 This may be the related to the reason why so many people in the state abuse prescription painkillers. In 2013-2014, Oklahoma had the highest percentage of people age 12 and older who reported abusing prescription painkillers than any other state.1

    Fortunately, it appears that many residents have access to proper treatment and benefit from it.

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