Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Prayer For Someone With Addiction

Christian Rehab In Orange County

Prayer for Addiction! BE HEALED While Watching!

At Covenant Hills addiction treatment program, we offer comprehensive and aggressive treatment to our clients living in Orange County and beyond.

Our Christian professional staff applies the best of psychiatric, pastoral, medical, psychological, behavioral, and theological training and expertise to our unique program. It helps them combat substance abuse and the devastation it causes to people who suffer.

Prayer For Those Addicted To Drugs

Oh Lord, I come to You to pray for all who are weighed down with some form of addition. Lord, You are the One Who came to set the captives free and to release the sinners from the chains that bind them. So I lift before Your throne of grace all those that have become addicted to drugs. Lord, I know some personally and others that I know nothing about, but You know everyone that is enchained by the curse of drug-addiction. Look with compassion on all that are ensnared by any form of addiction, and send help and freedom to all who would accept help. Lord, I pray that they may be released from this imprisonment and returned to a life that has dignity and meaning. Give wisdom to their family members and those that care from them, that they may be given the support and help to put them back on the road to recovery. Endow them with patience, understanding and perseverance, knowing that this can take time to address. More than anything Lord, I pray for their salvation. You died for every drug addict and it was Your love for them that caused You to die on the cross of shame that they might be lifted up and seated with Christ in heavenly places. Save them Lord, in Jesus name I pray,Amen.

Prayer For Their Freedom From Addiction

“Father God, help them remember that Youve already broken the chains of bondage. Break them free from the grips of this addiction. Sin can no longer leave its stain, and I pray that you wipe clean the pain caused by this disease. I ask that You have mercy on and pull them out of this affliction. Hold them in Your hand and never let them go. Amen.”

Related Reading

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Prayer For Family And Friends Of An Addict

Addiction affects the whole family. No family, however, is born with the knowledge of how to deal effectively with addiction, and it can stress a family to the breaking point. At times like this, there are things you can do: Run an intervention, get educated, dont enable, and pray for guidance and strength and let Gods grace and love flow through.

Prayers For Healing Of Addiction

Marriage Prayer: Coming Against Addiction

Dear Ones,

We have received many healing prayer requests to help heal addictions. I am so grateful to all of you in the Ananda Healing Prayer Circle for your dedication in praying for those in need.

I offer this article as a sample of the writing I am doing for an upcoming book on healing and prayer. It may offer insights to you as you prayer for those who have this difficulty. Id love to hear your insights into these prayers, as well, in the comments area.

And since this will be my only newsletter in November, I wish you all a Happy Thanksgiving!


Recommended Reading: What Percentage Of Homeless People Are Addicts

Prayer To Lead Them Out Of The Darkness

Today, Father, I bless your name. Thank you for predestining us to be adopted as your sons through Jesus Christ. I deliver drug addicts and alcoholics to your door. Assist them in understanding that you have delivered them from the power of darkness and transferred them to the kingdom of your son Jesus. Convince their hearts to accept this as the truth and begin living in freedom. I sincerely thank you and hold you in great regard because nothing is too difficult for you to do. I pray in Jesus name. Amen.

Serenity Prayer For Drug Addiction Of Close Friends

Dear Lord,

I am praying on behalf of my friends who are struggling to let go of their addiction. With your compassion, heal them from their suffering. Let your peace bring recovery and freedom to their soul. Forgive them, for they were once lost, and give them strength as they walk alone, seeking their true happiness in you.

As thou wilt, lead them to your kingdom and let your most holy apostle be their model as they strive to become Christ-like. Hear my prayers for addiction for my friend through Christ. Amen.

Recommended Reading: How Can I Help An Addict

Prayers For Addiction Of Daughter

Dear Lord God,

Before my life fades, allow me to see my daughter change and find recovery in your perfect image. Awaken her conscience, and she may no longer suffer from the negative effects of drugs and alcohol on her health. Let your loving presence illuminate her path may it bear witness to her earthly understanding that your higher power will be done. Hear my prayers for addiction, Lord Jesus. Amen.

Prayers For Those Struggling With Addiction

Prayer For Addiction

Regardless of your views on religion, prayers can offer comfort, strength, and motivation, especially if youre battling substance abuse. Some of the most common prayers utilized in addiction recovery are the Serenity Prayer and St. Francis of Assisis Prayer. Prayers for those struggling with addiction are meant to strengthen spiritual resolve and willpower, motivating the individual to receive drug or alcohol addiction treatment and sustain their sobriety in the future.

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Best Prayers For Addiction Deliverance From Drugs And Alcohol

13 Best Prayers for Addiction Deliverance From Drugs and Alcohol Knowing someone who has struggled with addiction, or suffering from one yourself, can take you down a path of despair. These powerful prayers for drug and alcohol addiction deliverance can provide you with fresh sensations of strength and inspiration.

When Does Problematic Use Become A Substance Use Disorder

When someone regularly uses drugs or alcohol despite continued negative consequences, they may have substance use disorder.

It is a medical condition that requires treatment from health care providers. Substance use disorders can involve both psychological and physical dependence.

If someone you know has one or more of the following behaviors, they may be experiencing a substance use disorder:

  • constant cravings for the drug
  • compulsive drug seeking
  • continuous use despite the harms that the drug is causing, such as:
  • negative health effects
  • lower grades or marks at school
  • isolation from friends and family members
  • extreme changes in behaviours and mood

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To Be Freed From My Burdensome Addiction

Dear Lord Jesus, my addiction is a terrible burden and a such a shame to me and yet I find myself constantly returning to behaviours that I hate and long to be able to shed. I am so ashamed Lord, and yet I know that You were the One Who said that You came to set the captives free, and Lord I am a captive. I am a captive and slave of this terrible addiction and yet to long to be freed and to live a normal life. Free me Lord I pray from this compulsion, for it is stifling my life and has cost me many dear friends as well as my job. I long to be free to live as I ought. I have heard the gospel and I do believe that Jesus died to take the full punishment for all my sins, including my addiction and I believe that He rose the third day, which broke the power of death in the lives of all who believe. So I am coming to you to ask You Lord to give me the abundant life that You have promised. I know that eternal life is now my portion, but I pray that I may be free of my addiction in this life so that I may serve You as You deserve. I ask this in the name of the Lord Jesus, Amen.

Prayer For Quick Deliverance

Prayer Of The Day

Lord Jesus, please deliver me from the spirit of addiction as soon as possible since I have placed my trust in you. Deliver me in your justice, and never let me be embarrassed of you. Lead and guide me for the sake of your name. You are my strength, so pull me out of the web of drunkenness and drug abuse. May your face shine down on me so that I may live a pure life and praise your name for the rest of my life. I believe and pray in Jesus name. Amen.

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Prayers For Addiction Recovery

Whether or not you subscribe to traditional religions, like Abrahamic religions or follow more spiritual religions like Buddhism, Taoism, etc. Spirituality in some sense is crucial for your recovery experience.

Choosing a higher power, to form a source of faith, is one of the most life-changing experiences in your recovery journey. Usually, drug rehabilitation involves finding something outside of yourself to believe in, that something will provide faith, hope and courage for you as you are on your journey in rehab and beyond.Prayers seem somewhat controversial, although you do not have to belong to a certain religion to believe in the words used in some of their prayers. We believe any form of praying is a beautiful and transformative experience.

Prayer Against The Temptation To Return To My Addiction

Dear Lord, how I thank You for Your grace towards me, for you have lifted me up out of the pit that my life was in and have set my feet on the rock of my Salvation, which is Jesus Christ my Lord and Saviour. Thank You for freeing me from the shame and sin of my addiction, which has robbed me of so many of years of my life, and caused me to lose not only my home but many of my friends and family as well.Lord Jesus, there are those that would seek to entice me back into the shadow from which I escaped and are trying to almost blackmail me into returning back to my life of crime and debauchery â but I have been set free and I do not want to return. Keep me from temptation on those occasions when I feel alone, and protect me from the pressures that I have been put under on certain occasions to return.Lord I know that all my past sins have been forgiven and that I am clothed in the righteousness of Christ Jesus. Keep me walking in the path of holiness and protect me from those that are still slaves to their addictions. I pray, Lord, that You will rescue those of my friends that are still enthralled in the world of addiction. I ask this in Jesusâ name,Amen.

Recommended Reading: What Makes Drugs So Addictive

Prayer For Deliverance From Drug Addiction

Dear Lord, I thank You that You care for people like me who have gone so far astray from the way of truth. Thank You, that You have never given up on me despite my addiction to drugs. Thank You, that I can come to You to seek for deliverance and know that You will not turn me away. Thank You, that Your mercies are new every morning and thank You, that You are faithful and true to Your Word, even when we prove faithless.Lord, I know that Your Word promises a way of deliverance to all who seek You and I believe that in Jesus is found healing and wholeness, salvation and security, deliverance and joy. And Lord, I ask for You to deliver me from these drugs and free me from being in bondage to this cursed addiction.Help me I pray. Save me Lord and set me free from these drugs on which I have become so dependant. Give me the means to break loose from drugs and the ability to see it through to the end. I know that on my own I will fail but Lord, I do believe that in Christ I can be set free. Help me Lord in Jesus name,Amen.

Lord, people are losing their lives each day because of addiction. Have Mercy on them, dear God and help them to know their true worth. Deliver them from drugs and alcohol and help them to know the truth that is found in the gospel. Help them to know your son Jesus as their Lord and Savior so that they can be clocked in righteousness and be free from the lies of the enemy. In Jesus name, I pray. Amen.

More Prayers

Divine Wisdom And Serenity Prayer

Prayer For The Addicted | Powerful Prayer For Addiction Deliverance


Grant me the serenity to accept you in my life as one of the believers in your kingdom in heaven. Let thy love show me thy way as I cross this stormy sea of doubt, sorrow, hurt, and difficulties. Cleanse my soul from the sin of my past and may thy peace bring healing energy to this body of mine. Let your unfailing mercy be my protection against evil temptations. These prayers for addiction I offer through your Son, Jesus. Amen.

Recommended Reading: How To Get An Addict To Rehab

Living Beyond The Lies

Please note that the lies we endure on this journey is infinite and goes beyond this list. Many of our perspectives are skewed from lies that we have believed most of our lives. How we have learned to cope with our pain or what the world around us tries to sell as truth may be masking the path to fulfillment and healing. The best way to defeat the lies is by knowing what God says, what the real truth is.

If you are in the midst of loving someone who is struggling with an addiction, then get into the Word of God. Open your bible every day and ask God to speak His truth to you. Just like light drives out the darkness, the truth of God will drive out the lies. The way S2L Recovery leads addicts to sobriety is through a Christian faith-based program, allowing everyone walking on the road to recovery can be embraced the words and love of God.

The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness can never extinguish it. John 1:5

If you or a loved one needs help, please contact us for support and guidance.

How We Used To Pray

Often, people in recovery recall praying when they were addicted to drugs or alcohol. The prayers usually sounded something like please let this work outplease let my dealer answerplease let me get high just one last timeplease let me score this. Alcohol and drug addiction will hijack your brain, and really make all of your thoughts and behaviors revolve around using drugs or alcohol above all else. Our prayers were once pleas for the next fix, and as we enter a drug rehab program, our substance use disorder can finally take a seat we now begin praying with true meaning, for true meaning. Our daily prayers will transform the way we think and feel no longer obsessed with drug abuse, we are able to pray with gratitude for the opportunity to change our lives.

Read Also: Why Is Alcohol So Addictive

All Gods Creatures 2023 Devotional

A Daily Devotions for Animal Lovers. This inspiring devotional brings you 365 touching stories of animals who appear at just the right moment providing comfort and bringing us closer to our faith.

Plus, enjoy four FREE beautiful, custom-designed note cards and envelopes with any print edition purchase.

Also Check: How To Lose Weight When Addicted To Food

Prayer Asking For The Healing Power Of God

Pin on Prayers for addiction

Dear God in Heaven,

I come before your mighty presence, asking for thy powerful healing. I know that I can never do this recovery alone. Hence, I ask your presence to help me as I commit myself to changing for the better for the good of my family and me. Allow me to be the living proof of your mightiness, and may it be the beginning of my servanthood for your grace. These prayers I ask through your Son, who sacrificed himself to absolve us from our sins. Amen.

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Prayer To Deliver Addicts From Enablers

Your word, Heavenly Father, declares that happy is the one who does not walk in the counsel of the ungodly nor stands in the path of sinners. Lord, my son, has made friends with bad individuals, which has led to him becoming a drug and alcohol addict. He has deviated from the road you have set for him and is now following in their footsteps. Remove all of his buddies who introduced him to drunkenness and drugs from his life, Father. Connect him with spiritual assistants who will influence him in the correct direction and assist him in becoming pure. Quench the demonic thirst for drugs and alcohol in his heart with Jesus blood and assist him in experiencing absolute freedom. I pray in Jesus name. Amen.

A Prayer For Those Suffering From Addiction

To find healing and overcome requires faith in someone more powerful than the addiction, and dependence on something stronger than personal abilities. The only power stronger than the call of addiction is Jesus. He breaks down strongholds and ministers with compassion and love. He does not condemn or persecute. God sent Jesus to bind up the brokenhearted and heal their wounds . When it feels like we have no strength to carry on, we can trust in His power to keep going. Jesus will not leave us alone to face the battle.

Does addiction trap you? Do you want help, but not sure where to start? Help is not far away. One of the first steps can be prayer. Cry out to God. He hears and waits for you to reach out to Him. His desire is for you to know you are loved and wanted, and that healing is possible. Are you ready to lay down your burden? There are no perfect words to pray, but here is a prayer to get started.

God, my Father, help me to turn my eyes toward you. Where does my help come from? My help comes from You, who made all things . You alone possess the power to break the chains of my addiction and break down the bars of this prison. Release me from the bondage of drugs and alcohol. Return me to my family and friends. Restore what has been stolen. I do not possess the strength, but through Jesus, I can do anything . Give me the strength to say no and turn my eyes heavenward.


Recommended Reading: Where To Find Help For Drug Addiction

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