Thursday, September 12, 2024

Weight Loss Surgery Does Not Treat Food Addiction

Exercise Internet And Drug Addiction

Rachel’s Life After Gastric Sleeve Surgery 3 Years Out

Interestingly, no addiction transfer involving sport and Internet addiction was seen in either surgical group. Li et al. evaluated the relationship between obesity and Internet addiction, and found that obesity was not a predictor of Internet addiction. By contrast, Müller et al. found a weak association between obesity with Internet use disorder in 216 patients. Addiction has not been studied yet. We found no evidence of addiction transfer involving Internet and exercise after surgery. The DAST-20 drug use questionnaire showed no significant change in the mean symptom count over time and no interaction between time and group. In addition, no drug addiction was seen in the entire group either before or after the operation.

In our hospital, education about nutritional behavior, and supplementation with proteins, vitamins, and minerals before surgery and continuously during the FU is mandatory. Malnutrition can lead to symptoms of depression, anxiety, and low energy, which can lead some people to start using drugs or alcohol, or trigger a relapse .

What If You Are A Food Addict

As trite as it may sound, if you self diagnose a food addiction, you have taken an important first step. After all, if you do not know what your problem is, it is pretty hard to fix it. Research shows the number one reason people do not seek help with an addiction is they do not believe they can stop their self-destructive behavior.

I see that dynamic in my coaching practice every day. The number one reason most of my coaching clients avoided seeking help for so long is they did not believe they could stop obsessing about their eating, body and/or weight. They had such a track record of failure with weight-loss and weight control they felt absolutely hopeless.

If you feel hopelessly trapped by addictive behavior and you have decided not to seek help, remember that time and time again people who struggle with food addiction turn a corner and make real, permanent changes. It happens every day.

The secret to healing from food addiction is to not keep it a secret. If deep down you know you have a food addiction, you will find relief when you start to talk about it. You must seek help.

Many people who struggle with their weight never lose obsessive thoughts about food, but that is partly because they are not seeking help, trying strategies to find what will work for them and living in the solution.

Many factors will affect the treatment of your food addiction. I encourage you to leave no stone unturned as you search for solutions to your problem.

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Eating Habits & Behaviors

After surgery, how you eat will change just as much as what you eat. Your stomach will only be able to hold a small amount of food at any one time and your digestion process has been changed.

  • Meal portions must be small, you must eat slowly, and food must be chewed thoroughly. If you eat too much, eat too fast, or don’t completely chew your food , it may cause nausea or vomiting.
  • Avoid drinking liquids with meals. Liquids do not relieve hunger and may force food through your stomach pouch too quickly. This may cause you to become hungry during the day. It may also cause dumping syndrome in gastric bypass patients. Do not drink 30 minutes before or 30 minutes after a meal.
  • Set a time for three meals a day, and eat only at those scheduled meal times. Do not skip meals. Do not snack between meals.
  • When you feel full, stop eating. If you overeat, not only can it cause nausea and vomiting, but it can stretch out the size of your stomach pouch. When you first start on your solid diet, you may only be able to eat 4 to 6 bites of food before you feel full. With time, you may be able to eat a half cup up to one cup of food.

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Choose Quality Of Life

If you are considering bariatric surgery, know that this is a serious decision and that your body will never be the same after surgery. You will need specialized medical care for life and will always have to adhere to specific diet protocols and guidelines.

Of greatest concern to me personally is this: if you have struggled with mental health issues or eating disorders in the past please seek help from a mental health professional before you have this surgery.

How To Overcome Food Addiction After Bariatric Surgery

Health &  News · Mango Clinic

If you are considering bariatric surgery or have already undergone the procedure, it is important to keep your dietary habits in check. The sooner you do this, the sooner you will develop healthy lifelong habits.

Here are a few recommendations that will help you move in the right direction:

  • Seek help: Admitting you need help is an important first step. Doing so will help you understand you are not alone, and it will give you the power to make positive changes.
  • Talk to a nutritionist: It is important to stay in contact with a nutritionist during your entire weight loss process. We have nutritionists on-staff who can guide you in the right direction.
  • Consider talking to a life coach: A life coach is an excellent asset, no matter what your needs. These professionals can encourage you to perform at your highest level. Find a life coach who specializes in eating disorders, including food addiction.
  • Attend support groups: Find a support group for those with food addiction. This can offer unparalleled emotional support and give you the strength necessary to succeed.

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Thriving Triumph Over Trauma

With compassion, humor, experience and enthusiasm, Dr. Connie Stapleton takes the reader on the journey from obesity to weight loss surgery and its after life.

The first book of its kind, Thriving! combines weight loss information with moving stories of real-life WLS patients who share their life-long struggles and triumphs. It is possible to overcome childhood traumas and other factors that contribute to obesity and reclaim both health and happinessand keep the weight off.

Thriving! makes it clear that weight loss is about more than eating right, exercising and surgery. It will guide you in your quest to live fully, as the person you were meant to be. Find out how you can do so much more, and thrive, not merely survive.

Food Addiction And The Weight

Contributed Article by By Katie Jay, MSW, Obesity Action Coalition

For people with food addiction, the decision to overeat is not a conscious one, at least not in the early days of your addiction. You do not wake up and think, Rise and shine! Lets get crackin. Eat a box of donuts and lose some of that self esteem!

No, its usually more like, Im going to be so good todayis that an OREO?

Food addiction is a daily struggle for many weight-loss surgery patients. It may be a week, a month, a year after surgery but for about 70 percent of those who undergo weight-loss surgery, it happens.

Of course, having the smaller stomach and/or rerouted intestines that come with WLS can be a great tool to help control your eating, but if you had trouble with food before surgery, there is high risk of eating compulsively, overeating or even just obsessing about food after weight-loss surgery.

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Weight Loss Surgery Does Not Treat Food Addiction

If you know that food/weight have caused problems in your life and you have wanted to get and keep your extra weight off, but cannot seem to do so…you may be a food addict. Have you lost weight with the aid of bariatric surgery, a medically supervised weight loss program, or fad diet, but ended up regaining at least all that you lost? Food addiction may be a reason!

Food addiction is often undiagnosed and can sabotage even the best efforts to lose weight and keep it off. Food addiction is a disease separate from the disease of obesity. If food addiction is present and untreated, it will overtake efforts to treat the obesity, resulting in ongoing medical comorbidities, hopelessness, and frustration.

Learn about how food addiction may be interfering with your weight loss efforts. Discover how to treat the addiction so that weight loss efforts are successful. Learn to live healthier, happier, fuller lives! Your Health. Your Responsibility. This Day. Every Day.

Food Addiction Like Any Other Type Of Addiction Can Be Treated But If It Goes Ignored For A Long Time It Can Be Hazardous To Your Health


This article will focus on food addiction and how it can be dealt with, especially if youre recovering from bariatric surgery. As always, wed like to remind you that every case or situation is different, and if youre struggling with food addiction or any other type of eating disorder, we encourage you to seek professional help or to talk to your doctor.

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Starting A Bariatric Surgery Pre

Diet changes are necessary for all types of weight loss surgery, although the time frame for the pre-op diet will vary for each patient based on his or her weight and the type of procedure. For LAP BAND patients, the pre-op diet may start only two to three weeks before surgery, while for the more involved gastric bypass or duodenal switch surgery, the pre-op diet may start two to three months before surgery. Based on your situation and how much weight you need to lose before surgery, your bariatric surgeon will provide the time frame for your pre-surgery diet.

Eat It Up The Complete Mind/body/spirit Guide To A Full Life After Weight Loss Surgery

Eat it Up! is the first book incorporating a whole person, mind/body/spirit approach to prevent weight regain in the months and years following weight loss surgery. Each chapter is devoted to a Center of Balance, explaining obesitys negative impact on every aspect of a persons life. Eat It Up! offers skills and strategies to overcome difficulties following weight loss surgery, resulting in the reward of lifelong happiness and healthy living, free from weight regain.

Written with humor, compassion and a firm and fair approach, Eat it Up! is a must-have for the millions who are obese or overweight. Regaining weight in the months and years following bariatric surgery is a devastating reality one that can be prevented.

Take Dr. Stapleton with you in your car as you commute and on trips, or while you exercise. Order the audio of her book, narrated by Dr. Stapleton, available today on CD.

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Signs And Symptoms Of Food Addiction

Bullying can cause food addiction.

The symptoms of food addiction can be either physical, emotional, or social. Here you can find the most common signs that can refer to this eating disorder:

  • Obsessive food cravings
  • Avoiding social interactions and connections with other people
  • Emotional rollercoasters, eating for emotional release.

These are some of the most usual signs of food addiction that primarily can be caused by social, psychological, or biological factors, such as low self-esteem, sexual abuse, bullying, childhood traumas, etc.

As mentioned before, there isnt an official definition or diagnosis of food addiction. However, professors have developed a questionnaire called the Yale Food Addiction Scale to diagnose food addictions purported core features.

To determine whether you have a propensity for food addiction, you can fill in the YFAS survey and get the results.

If you or your loved one has been experiencing any of these symptoms, theres a chance that youre suffering from food addiction. Thats why its vital to seek out professional help and solve the eating disorder because if it is left untreated or ignored, it can rapidly begin damaging your life if it hasnt already.

Eating Disorders After Bariatric Surgery

The Gastric Guru

Nutrition April 1st, 2021

Bariatric surgery does not treat food addiction. This statement might be a revelation to some, but it’s also the title of a book by Dr. Connie Stapleton, Ph.D. According to Dr. Stapleton, “Food addiction is often undiagnosed and can sabotage even the best efforts to lose weight and keep it off. Food addiction is a disease separate from the disease of obesity. If food addiction is present and untreated, it will overtake efforts to treat the obesity, resulting in ongoing medical comorbidities, hopelessness, and frustration.”1

Like food addiction, other eating disorders can be common among bariatric patients. A study that assessed rates of eating disorders among those with a BMI less than 40 found that although women are as much as 3 times more likely than men to suffer from any eating disorder, men and women were equally likely to experience binge eating.2

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Yfas And Substance Use

Six studies examined the relationship between the YFAS and substance use28, 31â33, 35, 38. Two studies examined food addiction and substance use among individuals seeking bariatric surgery28, 35 and found no relationship between food addiction and problematic alcohol use28, 35, drug, or tobacco use35. Four studies have examined substance use and food addiction during the postoperative period and overall the findings are mixed31â33, 38. Two studies retrospectively assessed pre-surgical food addiction using the YFAS32, 38. Reslan and colleagues32 categorized those with and without substance misuse and found that those in the post-operative substance misuse group had higher pre-surgical YFAS scores. Clark and colleagues38 reported there were no differences in problematic substance use after surgery between those who met criteria for food addiction and those who did not. Fowler and colleagues31 examined participants with and without reported new onset substance use disorders after bariatric surgery and found that the new onset participants endorsed more pre-surgical problematic foods high in sugar and low in fat on the YFAS problematic food list. Finally, one study33 found that marijuana use during the previous year and increased marijuana use were both associated with scores on the YFAS. However, they found that scores on the YFAS were unrelated to reported marijuana use during the past month.

However Bariatric Surgery Alone Is Not A Solution To Weight Loss And There Are Many Steps One Can Take To Prevent Becoming Overweight Before And After Bariatric Surgery

Patients must change their dietary and lifestyle habits to maintain their results and prevent future weight gain. This is necessary not only for aesthetic reasons, but also to avoid any postoperative complications that put your health at risk, since overeating after bariatric surgery can hinder or undo what was done during the procedure.

Today, our team talks about overcoming food addiction after bariatric surgery and offers a few tips to help you reach your goals. Overeating, or binge-eating, is a serious issue in all circumstances and our team of doctors at LIMARP® want to make sure that you have all the information and attention necessary to treat this symptom that can be caused by other eating disorders.

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Food Addiction: What Is It And How To Overcome It

Weight loss surgery is an excellent way for individuals to kickstart a healthier lifestyle, especially if youve tried different non-surgical methods and didnt see any significant results or if youre dealing with morbid obesity that is threatening your life.

Obesity can lead to many comorbidities, such as diabetes, osteoarthritis, or sleep apnea, which makes surgery not only an option, but a necessity

There are many other benefits that come with bariatric surgery and only your doctor will be able to determine which procedure is best for you.

Loss Of Control Eating/unspecified Feeding/eating Disorder

Bariatric Surgery: What to Expect with Weight Loss and Whole Health Improvement

Loss of control eating is very similar to binge eating disorder and also has a compulsive feel to it. This type of disordered eating is characterized by eating small meals and snacks all day long, perhaps just a handful of food every 30 minutes to every hour. Even though patients are only eating small ingestions of food at a time, they start to regain weight. This is not the same as binge eating disorder, because patients are not consuming an objectively large volume of food, but it is still a disordered way of eating.

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Reasons Why Bariatric Surgery Wont Cure Your Eating Disorder

While there is no sure way to achieve and maintain weight loss, bariatric surgery is considered the most aggressive treatment for obesity and obesity-related comorbidities. Patients often turn to bariatric surgery in the hopes of:

  • Losing weight and maintaining the weight lost
  • Improving their health
  • Achieving a better quality of life

While bariatric surgery can yield all of the benefits listed above, preoperative eating disorders that are not identified and treated BEFORE surgery can, and do, emerge after surgery.

Disordered eating impacts ONE IN FIVE higher weight patients. And, obese patients with eating disorders are often overlooked and undiagnosed. Of particular concern, a core feature of eating disorders is an overemphasis of weight and shape. Thus, eating disorder patients are more likely to seek out weight loss methods, including surgery.

We are now seeing a number of eating disorder-related concerns in patients who undergo bariatric surgery. In essence, bariatric surgery won’t cure your eating disorder. Here are six reasons why:

What Exactly Is Food Addiction

Addiction is a loaded word that unfortunately holds a negative connotation for many people. That is why I prefer the term eating disorder, but even that term is viewed negatively by some.

The truth is, though, that food addiction is a complex problem for which there is no one cause and no simple solution. No matter what you call it, food addiction or an eating disorder, the basic definition is the same: an unhealthy relationship with food.

Sure, there are more clinical definitions, but it all boils down to ones relationship with food how you think about it, how you use it, why you use it and what your behavior with food does to you .

In fact, shame and self loathing are such major factors in obesity and food addiction that I feel compelled to remind you that a food addiction is not a moral issue. It is not an affliction of weak-willed, lazy people. It is something that occurs in people of all ages, income levels, races and sexes. It has a strong genetic component, a relationship to brain chemistry and a cultural component .

You do not set out to be addicted to food, or to be obese. Food addictions can develop over time, and are not always obvious in the early stages.

Also Check: Learn.genetics.utah/content/addiction/mouse/

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