Wednesday, September 4, 2024

How To Beat Opioid Addiction

Acupuncture Therapy For Heroin Detox

Beating Opioid Addiction | Joy’s Story

Acupuncture is gaining in popularity in the recovery industry. As an ancient Chinese therapy used to treat stress and relieve pain, it is proven to be exceptionally helpful for opiate withdrawal symptoms.

Acupuncture decreases stress-related muscle pain and discomfort. It regulates brain regions connected to pain and emotion, and most importantly, acupuncture promotes the release of endorphins, which are your bodys own opiates. Many individuals experience a euphoric sensation described as feeling lighter and happier after their first acupuncture session.

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Opiate Effects And Abuse

Opiates produce euphoric and tranquil effects when taken in amounts that are larger than prescribed. The pleasant, care-free feelings a person experiences when taking these drugs are often what leads to destructive patterns of abuse.

Opiate addiction is often characterized by compulsive drug-seeking behavior. For example, in an attempt to obtain more of the drug, a person may visit multiple doctors in order to get new prescriptions, otherwise known as doctor shopping.

The pathological urges to use these drugs can also drive people to borrow, buy, or steal the drugs from friends and family. As an act of desperation, some individuals may resort to seeking out Heroin, an illegal Opioid that is commonly purchased on the streets. Despite the well-known dangers of Heroin, it is often easier and cheaper to obtain than Opioid pills.

In one survey, 94% of respondents said they chose to use Heroin over prescription Painkillers because it was cheaper and easier to get.

Vertava Health Massachusetts Offers Individualized Care For Opiates

All opiate addictions are different, which is why we offer specialized treatment plans. Our inpatient opiate treatment program examines addiction, assesses its origin, and works hard to eliminate its influences.

The first step is medical detoxification, also known as drug detox. We have a state-of-the-art painless detox program that includes a multi-dimensional medication taper. This carefully decreases doses of medications, like methadone and suboxone, to get opiates out of the body in a safe and controlled manner. This process is also known as medication-assisted treatment.

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The Difference Between Substance Misuse And Addiction

If you recognize that you have a problem and are motivated to change, a natural recovery can work. But it depends on the nature of your substance abuse.

You can misuse substances during stressful times. But if you feel physically and psychologically dependent on alcohol or drugs to get through your day, this is a substance use disorder . Addiction suggests a lack of control and a compulsive desire to use. If this is the case, then practicing restraint outside of a rehab setting can feel almost impossible.

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Medications Used In Opiate Detox

Drug Detox &  Withdrawal Symptoms

Doctors often prescribe medications during the detox process. These medications help treat the long-term issues associated with opiate withdrawal, such as drug cravings. Over time, a doctor will gradually taper down the dosage of these medications until the patient recovers from acute withdrawal symptoms. Medications may continue to be prescribed while the patient is continuing treatment in an inpatient rehab center.

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Here are some of the most common medications used during opiate detox:

  • Clonidine

    Clonidine is often prescribed to suppress withdrawal symptoms and treat high blood pressure. It is especially useful in reducing symptoms of anxiety and stress. It is available as an oral tablet or patch that is worn on the skin. Clonidine does not cause the euphoric feelings commonly associated with opioid painkillers. As a result, the drug also has little potential for abuse and physical dependence. This makes it easier to discontinue the use of the drug once withdrawal symptoms subside.

  • Methadone

    Methadone was once widely used medication in detox settings, but has largely been replaced by buprenorphine. It is typically prescribed to help patients ease off of the drug they originally became dependent on. As a long-acting opioid, methadone is most effective as a long-term treatment method for patients struggling with chronic opiate addiction.

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    Finding Addiction Treatment Near Peru Indiana

    Peru residents are only an hour from addiction treatment that can help them recover from substance use disorder.

    If you are considering traveling for addiction treatment, be sure to view our list of the best rehab centers in the US.

    Find addiction treatment near Peru, IN:

    Written by the Addiction Resource Editorial Staff

    Addiction Resource aims to provide only the most current, accurate information in regards to addiction and addiction treatment, which means we only reference the most credible sources available.

    These include peer-reviewed journals, government entities and academic institutions, and leaders in addiction healthcare and advocacy. Learn more about how we safeguard our content by viewing our editorial policy.

    • Indiana State Department of Health- County Profiles of Opioid Use

    Seek Heroin Addiction Treatment At Destinations For Teens

    Addiction to heroin and the strain it puts on a users body can cause death. That is why it is recommended that teen heroin users undergo detox in a qualified facility such as Destinations for Teens. During withdrawal, the body goes through a stressful time. If an individual has any underlying medical conditions like a weak heart, a high risk for blood clots, or any other medical issue, detoxing can cause that issue to lead to complications.

    Medical professionals will monitor your teens health. Mental health professionals will also be present to support their needs of believing that they have the power not to use drugs.

    Interventions will ease the worst of their symptoms, making detox more comfortable. Once your teen is sober, they can move into the next phase of rehab, which includes various therapies, giving them a solid foundation for lasting recovery. Learn more by calling .

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    Whats The Difference Between Opiates And Opioids

    The terms opiates and opioids are often used interchangeably, but they are different. Opiates are naturally occurring compounds such as codeine, morphine, and heroin. Opioids include opiates in addition to semi-synthetic, and synthetic substances. Common synthetic opioids are hydrocodone , fentanyl, methadone, and oxycodone .

    So, while every opiate is an opioid, not every opioid is an opiate. Both opiates and their synthetic counterparts are widely abused though. If opiates or opioids have a grip on your life, let North Jersey Recovery Center help you break free from that grip today.

    Opiate and opioid substance abuse affect over 2 million Americans and 15 million people around the world every year, and this epidemic is steadily rising. In fact, opiates are among the most commonly abused drugs in New Jersey. Furthermore, overdose to substances such as opiates is the leading cause of accidental deaths here in the Garden State. Thus, before you overdose, receive care at an addiction treatment center.

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    What Are Opioid Drugs

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    Opioids are a class of drugs found in the opium poppy plant that cause a variety of effects in the brain. They block or reduce the number of pain signals sent to the brain, making them effective pain killers.

    In carefully-controlled amounts, opioids may be prescribed by a doctor or other medical professional. However, opioids also cause the brain to release endorphins, causing the user to feel happy, euphoric, or high. These characteristics make opioids highly addictive. Often, individuals may become addicted to prescription painkillers, and then turn to illicit drugs like heroin. Heroin is cheaper and easier to access than to prescription drugs.

    Opioid drugs include:

    • Spending less time with family and loved ones

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    Does Insurance Cover Opioid Rehab

    Health insurance can cover some or all of treatment program costs. The Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity Act of 2008 requires all health insurers to cover substance abuse and mental health treatment.

    Coverage will depend on:

    • The type of rehab center you attend
    • Whether you need substance abuse and/or mental health treatment

    Opioids And Your Brain

    To better understand how Suboxone works, its useful to quickly review what were up against when it comes to opioid use. The reason why these drugs are so addictive is the effect they have on your brain. Opioids attach themselves to certain receptors on the nerve cells in your brain, which not only disrupts pain signals, but also provides a euphoric and calming effect.

    In effect, opioids trigger the pleasure centers in your brain, and your brain rewires itself to receive more of the drug for the continued effect, creating both a dependence and an addiction.

    With this new wiring, any attempt to deny your body the drug can lead to some fairly awful withdrawal symptoms, such as:

    • Anxiety and agitation
    • Aching and painful muscles
    • Gastrointestinal upset, including nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea

    Unfortunately, these symptoms may not be short-lived and can last anywhere from a week to a month, which is what drives many people to relapse.

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    Overcome Opioid Withdrawal Symptoms At Symetria Recovery

    Opioid addiction becomes especially dangerous over time, as this type of addiction can easily result in an overdose or death. The physical and mental toll caused by opioid withdrawal needs to be addressed in a professional treatment setting with addiction treatment specialists.

    At Symetria Recovery, our team is dedicated to providing comprehensive addiction treatment that helps people being their recovery journeys. Learn more about how we can help you or a loved one heal from the physical and mental effects of opioid addiction by calling or completing our convenient online form. It may seem as though there is no hope of overcoming opioid addiction, but the truth is that our Symetria Recovery team has the knowledge and experience to help. Reach out to us today and begin the addiction treatment process immediately.

    Definitions Of Key Terms

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    dopamine : A neurotransmitter present in brain regions that regulate movement, emotion, motivation, and the feeling of pleasure.

    GABA : A neurotransmitter in the brain whose primary function is to inhibit the firing of neurons.

    locus ceruleus : A region of the brain that receives and processes sensory signals from all areas of the body involved in arousal and vigilance.

    noradrenaline : A neurotransmitter produced in the brain and peripheral nervous system involved in arousal and regulation of blood pressure, sleep, and mood also called norepinephrine.

    nucleus accumbens : A structure in the forebrain that plays an important part in dopamine release and stimulant action one of the brains key pleasure centers.

    prefrontal cortex : The frontmost part of the brain involved in higher cognitive functions, including foresight and planning.

    ventral tegmental area : The group of dopamine-containing neurons that make up a key part of the brain reward system key targets of these neurons include the nucleus accumbens and the prefrontal cortex

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    How Long Does An Opiate Detox Take

    Depending on the type of opiate used and abused, including heroin and prescription opiates, the opiate detox timeline typically starts with the beginning of withdrawal. This will start somewhere between the 8 and 30-hour mark after your last dose of the opiate and last anywhere from 4 and 10 days in total. The opiate detox withdrawal timeline for some patients may be shorter than if the addiction was new and dependency not severe. Sadly the opposite extreme scenario may also be a reality for some addicted to opiates, with the withdrawal symptoms lasting a month or even more.

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    Legal Vs Illegal Opioid

    Legal opioids are prescribed by a health care professional most often to treat pain from conditions such as injuries, surgery, dental procedures, or long-term chronic pain.

    Illegal opioids are any opioids that are made, shared or sold illegally. Illegal opioids include:

    • street drugs from a drug dealer
    • opioids given to you by someone who is not your health care provider
    • opioids that are not prescribed to you but are taken from someone else

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    Teen Heroin Use At A Glance

    Teen substance abuse is an ongoing problem in the United States. According to a recent study published in JAMA Pediatrics, an estimated 30.9 percent of teens who experimented with heroin developed an addiction within the first twelve months. In addition, the CDC reported that 19.8 percent of drug overdose deaths were the result of heroin use.

    Treatment For Opiate Addiction

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    There are many treatment options to choose from, but research suggests the most effective form of treatment for Opiate addiction is inpatient detox followed by inpatient rehab. Inpatient rehab centers have specialized programs for individuals suffering from this type of substance use disorder. These programs help patients dig deep within themselves to uncover the root cause of their drug use. Knowing what caused patients to use drugs or alcohol in the first place will help prevent future triggers while in recovery.

    Many individuals quickly find that the rewards of progressing through a treatment program far outweigh the high they formerly gained from drug use.

    Effective forms of therapy used during treatment often include cognitive behavioral therapy, individual and group counseling, and 12-step programs.

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    Reviewed by Certified Addiction Professional: February 14, 2019

    Theresa Parisi

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    How To Regain Energy After Opiate Addiction

    Quitting opiates and overcoming the devastating disease of opioid addiction is no small feat. It is a disease that claims over 100 lives a day. Countless others suffer for months, years, and decades. Family members spend countless sleepless nights praying and hoping for their loved one to seek treatment.

    Opiates are a category of opioidsdrugs that are derived from the opium poppy plant. Opiates, simply put, are naturally derived opioids, but they have similar effects as synthetic opioids.

    Withdrawals from opiates can leave the opioid addict wondering if its worth quitting. Aside from the symptoms of nausea, constipation, sweats, diarrhea, and muscle pain, muscle fatigue and loss of energy can last for weeks or months. Many former addicts are discouraged that they feel worse after getting sober than they did while they were high on opioids.

    The good news: there are things you can do to regain your energy and feel the benefits of sobriety. Here is a list of six things you can do daily that will get you feeling better in the early days of recovery.

    What Is An Opioid Addiction

    Opioid addiction is a long-lasting disease that causes health, social, and economic problems. Its characterized by a compulsive urge to use opioid drugs, even when they are no longer needed for medical purposes. The addiction happens when the brain chemistry is changed by repeat drug use, and a tolerance is built. Physical and emotional withdrawals will then occur if the person addicted stops taking opioids. Millions of Americans are impacted by opioid addiction every day.

    Commonly prescribed opioids are hydrocodone, morphine, codeine, and fentanyl. Heroin is also an opioid but isnt prescribed by doctors. Heroin is sold and purchased on the streets. Its not uncommon for someone to start using hydrocodone and eventually use heroin.

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    The Most Common Addictions

    Millions of people around the world struggle with SUDs. Some of the most common drugs that impede peoples lives include:

    Jeffrey Juergens earned his Bachelors and Juris Doctor from the University of Florida. Jeffreys desire to help others led him to focus on economic and social development and policy making. After graduation, he decided to pursue his passion of writing and editing. Jeffreys mission is to educate and inform the public on addiction issues and help those in need of treatment find the best option for them.

    Clinically Reviewed:

    David Hampton

    All of the information on this page has been reviewed and verified by a certified addiction professional.

    David embarked on his journey into sobriety in June of 2005, which led him to his current career path as a Certified Professional Addiction Recovery Coach in private practice in Greater Nashville. David is also a public speaker and the author of two books. David is cohost of the weekly Positive Sobriety Podcast, as well as being a frequent contributor to various articles and recovery based materials. As a member of the National Association of Alcohol and Drug Abuse Counselors , David works closely with Nashville area treatment centers, nonprofit recovery organizations, and consulting with faith-based groups trying to bridge the gap between the recovery communities and faith-based organizations who wish to understand addiction.

    How To Create An Effective Relapse Prevention Plan

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    An effective opiate relapse prevention plan helps you better understand your warning signs and triggers for a relapse and will help you take actions to keep you safe and sober. A good relapse prevention strategy consists of:

    • Recognizing personal warning signs of relapse. Know your internal and external triggers for using. Internal factors include thoughts and feelings that you strongly associate with abusing opiates. External factors might include specific places, items, sounds, or even smells that lead to a desire to use.
    • Knowing what you can do when you recognize a relapse warning sign. It is important to list your most effective coping skills or strongest support source in your personal relapse plan. These are skills, hobbies, activities, and people that you know can keep you safe at a time when you desperately want to use.
    • Having a plan to follow up with a treatment professional or support group. Engaging in individual or group therapy can be comforting and validating while on your journey toward freedom from substance abuse.
    • Developing a recovery action plan. Often, people feel empty or unhappy at the beginning of their sober lives. They havent yet replaced their drug habit with something else, so a void is left. Developing a schedule that fits in work, hobbies, and activities focused on sobriety not only helps you remain focused on your sobriety goal but can help you derive satisfaction from a sober lifestyle.

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