Tuesday, September 3, 2024

National Alcohol And Drug Addiction Recovery Month

As Of Stress Management

Raising substance abuse awareness during National Recovery Month – New Day NW

Its important to learn productive ways to deal with stress because we deal with it nearly every day. Sometimes its good, like a wedding, birthday, or a new job. Sometimes its difficult, like a flat tire, an illness, or a pandemic. There are ways to get your body back into balance, so youre not overwhelmed by stress.

The Mayo Clinic recommends four As to cope with stress: avoid, alter, accept, and adapt

Regular exercise, having a hobby, staying connected with friends, eating a healthy diet, and meditating are all ways that can help you keep the stress in check.

Alcohol And Drug Addiction Recovery Statistics

alcohol and drug addiction recovery

The other approach that President Trump also talked about was the preventative approach which is the efforts made within the country to try to stop drug and alcohol abuse and addiction from ever becoming a problem in people who have not yet been affected by it. This is the effort taken to basically stop people from getting addicted to drugs and alcohol in the first place. Education, crime prevention, raising awareness, preventing drug trafficking, and other efforts like that all fall under the category of prevention. All in all, this is a very effective and helpful approach for those who take part in it.

How To Observe #nationalrecoverymonth

Look for events near you. Participate in a seminar, awareness walk, or attend a documentary to learn about addiction. Celebrate your journey of recovery to help others succeed with you. Follow the history of National Recovery Month at the SAMHSA website. Use #NationalRecoveryMonth to share on social media.

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How Can You Support National Alcohol And Drug Addiction Recovery Month

Whether or not you or someone you love has struggled with an addiction, you can show your support for National Alcohol and Drug Addiction Recovery Month. This years theme is Recovery Is For Everyone: Every Person, Every Family, Every Community. This theme is a nod to the realization that mental health and addiction can affect anyone, regardless of your background. Here are some ideas for celebrating those in recovery:

  • Check out the Faces & Voices of Recovery website for their Recovery Month events calendar. You can find fundraising events, festivals, conventions, and athletic events all geared toward recovery.
  • Find Recovery Month events in your area through an online search. Addiction treatment centers and mental health and addiction organizations near you may be hosting events.
  • Host your own event in honor of National Alcohol and Drug Addiction Recovery Month. This can be anything as small as a sober party for friends and family to something more extensive like a fundraising event.
  • Plan a memorable day trip with a loved one in recovery. Recognizing their efforts to maintain a clean lifestyle can provide them with the support they need to stay on track.

Furthermore, if you or someone you love is struggling with mental health and addiction, encourage them to get help at an addiction recovery center.

Get Addiction And/or Mental Health Disorder Treatment Today

Drug Alcohol Treatment Center Orange County

Do you or a loved one have an addiction and/or mental health disorder? If so, there is hope and help available for you. Here at Harmony Recovery Group, we have helped people from all around the United States get the treatment and services they need with everything from medication-assisted treatment to inpatient treatment and much more. If you want to find out which treatments or programs would help you or a loved one the most, today to speak with one of our experienced addiction and mental health professionals.

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Celebrating Millions In Long

Many times people are focused on the problem of alcohol and substance use disorders and forget that millions of Americans are living in recovery from both each day. In fact, the United States government doesnt closely track those individuals in recovery but focuses on the number of individuals with an active addiction. National Recovery Month spreads not only awareness but also hope through the stories of those in recovery.

National Recovery Month was started by SAMHSA in 1989 and was called Treatment Works! Month as a way to pay tribute to those who work in the addiction industry. Then in 1998, it was renamed National Alcohol and Drug Addiction Recovery Month. This change was made to honor not only those who work in the addiction field but also those living in recovery and the work they do to stay in recovery.

In June 2020, SAMHSA announced that it would no longer sponsor National Recovery Month. Faces and Voices of Recovery then created a new Recovery Month website to host all events and assets that make this important month possible.

The theme for 2021 National Recovery Month is Recovery is for Everyone: Every Person, Every Family, Every Community. This theme is to help remind all those in recovery or active addiction that they are not alone. Recovery is possible and we are all on the road of recovery together.

Join The Voices For Recovery

The theme for this years National Recovery Month is Join the Voices for Recovery: Celebrating Connections. 2020 has proven difficult for many people, creating challenges that no one could have anticipated. Maintaining or working towards sobriety or mental balance in such a climate can be quite the undertaking, but joining with the voices of others around you can help you feel connected, seen, and supported. Check out the National Recovery Month official website to find webinars, podcasts, art shows, poetry slams, and other events that amplify the voices of transformation and compassion.

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You Are Not Alone In This

Our specialized staff stands ready to help you through this challenging time.

Recovery from alcohol and drug addiction is possible. Today, there are about 23 million Americans in long-term recovery according to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration . September is the month set aside to both celebrate those in recovery as well as raise awareness about recovery and addiction.

Now in its 32nd year, National Recovery Month aims to inform all Americans that substance use and mental health treatment work and help millions recover and go on to live healthy, vibrant, and fulfilling lives. In addition, this observance helps to solidify the message that good behavioral and mental health is crucial to overall health, prevention works, treatment works, and people can and do recover.

The Importance Of Behavioral Health

Alcohol Awareness Month with Compass Recovery | Connecting Point | Apr. 23, 2021

National Recovery Month reinforces the message that our behavioral health is just as important as our physical health. Just as breast cancer awareness focuses on the importance of mammograms, substance abuse awareness emphasizes that treatment programs can and do work. The evidence is all around us, and September marks a time for public to see it.

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National Alcohol And Drug Addiction Recovery Month 2017

During National Alcohol and Drug Addiction Recovery Month, we stand with the millions of Americans in recovery from alcohol and drug addiction, and reaffirm our commitment to support those who are struggling with addiction, and their families and loved ones. Substance abuse robs Americans of their potential, shatters their families, and tears apart our communities. My Administration is committed to lifting our Nation from this tragic reality.

Substance addiction affects people of every class, creed, and color. More than 20 million Americans are addicted to alcohol or other drugs, and countless more lives have been touched as a consequence of substance abuse.

Together, however, we can fight drug and alcohol abuse. This month, we emphasize to all those suffering that recovery is possible. My Administration is taking a proactive approach to support State and local communities as they work on the front lines to prevent substance use and addiction and to promote recovery. To date, we have dedicated more than $500 million to strengthening prevention programs, expanding access to evidence-based addiction treatment, and building networks of recovery support services across our Nation. And earlier this year, I established the President’s Commission on Combating Drug Addiction and the Opioid Crisis to help guide the Federal Government’s response to drug abuse and drug addiction, with a particular focus on the opioid epidemic that is currently afflicting our country.

What Is National Alcohol And Drug Addiction Recovery Month

In September 1989, the US government created National Alcohol and Drug Addiction Recovery Month to bring mental health and addiction treatment awareness. Millions of Americans suffer silently from substance use disorders and co-occurring mental health conditions, but this initiative aims to:

  • End the stigma around mental illness and drug and alcohol addiction
  • Encourage people suffering from mental health and addiction to get the proper treatment
  • Celebrate the efforts of those in recovery
  • Increase funding for treatment programs
  • Inspire people to look out for the well-being of their loved ones and support them through recovery
  • Recognize the hard work of those in addiction treatment professions

The stress of modern life has led to an increased incidence of mental illness and addiction. Most people can now say they have experience with it themselves or with a loved one. By celebrating National Alcohol and Drug Addiction Recovery Month, you are spreading the word on how anyone can suffer from these conditions. However, professional treatment programs can heal and move on to a sober, healthy lifestyle.

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Find The Help You Need

Every state offers numerous services to help people who are struggling with a wide range of mental health and substance challenges. Through community clinics, treatment centers, and more, anyone seeking to change his or her relationship with mental health and substance use can find a guiding hand. National Recovery Month is a wonderful opportunity to pause and take stock of where you are on your own path to healing and assess what options may be available to you.

If you or a loved one is living in the San Diego area, True Life Center is here to help. Our team understands mental health conditions and substance use disorders, and we can help you or your loved one explore a healing path thats custom-designed for you. At True Life Center, our dedicated staff is drawn to working with people on finding and freeing their true selves to live their best lives. Our unique Neurobiological Integration approach aims to identify the root cause of illness and gets results by using the synergistic combination of:

  • Individual psychotherapy with DBT, CBT, EMDR and/or psychodynamic approach
  • Expert psychiatric treatment
  • Body healing with Qi Gong

Why You Must Know The Dangers

Celebrate Recovery Month: " Join the voices in recovery. Together we are ...

One of the things that makes opioids so addictive is how they affect your brain: they help produce endorphins, which block pain and make you feel good. Over time, your brain may stop producing its own endorphins, and so the only way to feel good is to take more drugs. And over time, opioids also become less effective at making the pain go away, so youll need more to get the same effects. This is called dependence.

Misuse is taking opioids in any way other than how a doctor prescribes. For example, taking a higher dosage, or, instead of taking them as pills, crushing and snorting them, or taking prescriptions that arent yours. Because opioids are so powerful, any one of these things can lead to an overdose or even death.

Addiction is compulsive drug use, no matter what the consequences are. Dependence and addiction often go hand-in-hand, and addiction can often lead to misuse, though not everyone who misuses a drug is an addict.

An overdose occurs when someone takes too much of a drug. Opioids affect the part of the brain that controls breathing, and during an overdose, breathing can slow down or stop, leading to seizures, respiratory failure, and even death.

Any one of these dangers can happen in a short period, even with a low dosage. This is why its critical for anyone with a prescription to work closely with their health care team.

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Celebrate National Recovery Month Recovery Is For Everyone

  • Casually check in on their mental health. A call or visit from a loved one can be crucial to help keep someone in recovery on their journey. This also helps you keep track of how theyre coping, and gives you an opportunity to offer support and a shoulder to lean on during the difficult times.
  • Remember that like any journey in life, recovery is not always easy. Resilience is not only key to someone in recovery, but to the loved ones in their lives as well. There will be setbacks, ups and downs and trying times. The listening ear of someone with compassion, empathy and a lack of judgment can help restore hope. This small gesture goes a long way.
  • Dont offer advice, but do offer resources that can help. Finding out what help is available is a great way to connect and show care. Arming yourself with the tools to start conversations about prevention, treatment and recovery is important. Learn more about how you can support your loved one through recovery at www.samhsa.gov/find-help/recovery.

Recovery is for Every Community

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The Alcohol and Drug Counselor Certificate Program consists of 7 modules of instruction, plus 45 hours of supervised practicum and minimum of 255 hours of on-site clinical instruction designed around your schedule.

National Recovery Month History

In 1989, The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration launched National Recovery Month to increase awareness surrounding mental health and substance abuse. At the same time, they wanted to celebrate the success stories to illustrate that living in recovery is possible. Each year, the SAMSHA selects a theme, highlighting an area of focus and creating a toolkit for organizations to use.

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About Eileene Mcrae And Erin Konves Business Development & Alumni Coordinators

This guest post was written by Eileene McRae and Erin Konves, Business Development & Alumni Coordinators for Pine Grove Behavioral Health & Addiction Services.

Eileene McRae has worked in the addiction services field for over 43 years. As a certified alcohol and drug counselor, earlier in her career, she guided families and residential patients to recovery. Ms. McRae has also worked in community outreach, educating students, civic clubs and other organizations about addiction and alcoholism. Her speaking demands have carried her all over the United States as well as Canada. She has particularly enjoyed working with young children living with parental addiction. As a result of that interest, she authored a book in 2008 titled, Home At Last, a story told through the eyes of two brother frogs that live with a practicing alcoholic father frog. While working at the Central Mississippi National Council on Alcoholism, she wrote and initiated the first educational program for young children in Mississippi who had a parent in treatment for addiction.

Battling Addiction: A Mental And Physical Journey

Alcohol Awareness Month

While the effects of addictions are often physical, the underlying conditions that led to substance abuse need to be explored and treated as well. It is vital that a recovering addict take the steps to understand any underlying conditions or emotions that contributed to their addiction. At PACE, we use the term recovery for those recovering from substance abuse and behavioral health conditions like anxiety, depression, obsessive compulsive disorder and bi-polar disorder. The term recovery can be applied to anyone recovering from something personal and profound.

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Contact Bayview Recovery Today

For over 30 years, September has marked the observance of National Alcohol and Drug Addiction Recovery Month. The months primary goal is to raise awareness and understanding surrounding mental and substance use disorders. Throughout the month, there are several celebratory dates, such as National Sober Day. By celebrating these dates, we embrace and honor those who have recovered from a substance use disorder.

If you or a loved one is currently living with a substance use disorder, hope and help are available to you. At Bayview Recovery in Tacoma, Washington, we offer a complete continuum of addiction-related care. Our premier addiction recovery center provides a comprehensive approach to recovery by providing numerous levels of care. From medication-assisted programs to outpatient services, we curate a unique and individualized program to facilitate healing and lifelong recovery for our clients. To find out which level of care is right for you, call one of our addiction specialists at .

About Pine Grove Behavioral Health & Addiction Services

Located in Hattiesburg, Mississippi, Pine Grove Behavioral Health & Addiction Services is one of the nations most comprehensive treatment campuses. Pine Groves world renowned programs treat gender specific substance abuse including specialized tracks for co-occurring eating disorders and trauma. Additionally, Pine Grove offers an Intensive Outpatient substance abuse healing program for adults and a separate treatment program specifically for those who are age 55 plus. Other Pine Grove specialty programs include a dedicated professionals treatment curriculum and a comprehensive evaluation center. Pine Grove also features a program for patients with sexual addiction. Inpatient Services including an Adult Psychiatric Unit, along with a Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Unit, and Outpatient Services are other components. Pine Grove is a division of Forrest Health, a partnership of healthcare organizations across South Mississippi, and the behavioral healthcare extension of Forrest General Hospital, a 547 bed, level II Regional Trauma Center. Established in 1984, Pine Grove has provided nationally and internationally recognized health care for 37 years. For more information, please visit www.pinegrovetreatment.com and call 1-888-574-HOPE .

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