Wednesday, September 4, 2024

How To Convince An Addict They Need Help

Be Mindful Of Your Emotions


Whenever youre talking to your loved one, you should be careful that you dont allow your emotions to take control. If youre particularly close to them , it can be difficult to keep your emotions in check.

When talking to your loved one about their addiction, it becomes easy for you to lose control and say something regrettable. Creating negative emotions can result in your loved one turning to drugs or alcohol to escape them. No matter how much your loved one has hurt you, its important that youre mindful of what you say.

Remind yourself that addiction is an illness and that its not a moral or spiritual failing. You might have a certain history with your loved one, but its essential that you put this to the side to help them deal with their addiction issues.

Help For You As A Carer

Caring for a partner, family member or friend who has a drug abuse problem can leave you feeling isolated and alone. It may be hard to talk to others about your situation, particularly if they havent had the same experience as you.

There are local and national organisations that support the families and carers of people who use drugs. Many carers find it helpful to talk to others in the same situation, perhaps at a local carers support group.

Alternatively, online forums can provide an opportunity to share your experiences. You can find information, contacts or counselling services by going to the Department of Healthâs Drug Help website.

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Make Them Say Yes Yes Yes: How To Convince Someone To Go To Rehab

21 million people in the US are addicts you most likely know someone who struggles with addiction.

If you want to know how to convince someone to go to rehab, there are a lot of things you need to consider first. When people try to help addicts, they can often make decisions that actually harm the person rather than help them.

To maximize your chances of success, here are some things to consider if you want to help your loved one check into rehab.

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Approaching A Loved One Who Is Addicted To Drugs Or Alcohol

Choosing the right time to approach a loved one who is addicted and in denial is essential to convincing that person to seek treatment. Always pick a time when your loved one is sober never pick a fight during periods of obvious use. Take the diary you kept that details the denial, and remember to stay calm. Have a clear plan of what youre going to say and how youre prepared to help.

Also avoid blame statements. Instead, phrase concerns conscientiously with when youI feel statements. For example, When you drink at parties, I feel like you start arguing with me in front of other people and that embarrasses me. Or, when you got that DUI, I worried a lot about how we are going to pay for a lawyer and how that will affect our reputations.

When speaking to your struggling loved one, dont let other people intrude on your conversation. Being confronted over drug and alcohol use can be embarrassing, and when others overhear or pile on, it can cause your loved one to feel more shameful and defensive. Identify the specific words and actions of your loved one that upset you, and identify the differences in personality that occur when your loved one is sober and when your loved one is using. State your desire to help your loved one get into rehab, as well as your commitment to stay involved during the entire process and work together to achieve a successful outcome.

Can You Force Someone To Go To Rehab

Intervention: How to convince someone they need to seek help for addiction

If your loved one does not want to listen, or is not ready to stop using, there are still steps you can take to get them the help they need. If you are a parent of an addicted adolescent, you can enroll your child in a rehab program against his or her will. If your loved one is in trouble with the law, or poses imminent danger, he or she can be legally forced into treatment without consent via court-ordered rehab, or involuntary commitment. Involuntary substance use treatment is allowed in 38 states today.

Even if your loved one does not want to get help, he or she can still benefit from it. It is a common myth that, in order to get sober, addicts have to want it. The truth is, at first, many individuals entering treatment dont want it. They are hesitant, distant, skeptical. However, over time, their walls break down. In fact, those who are forced into rehab have remarkably similar success rates to those who enter rehab voluntarily.

Before forcing your loved one into rehab, or researching involuntary methods of enrollment, try to have a conversation with your loved one. Try convincing her/him of the dangers of drug abuse, and the benefits of professional treatment. It is always best to establish trust, empathy, and support when possible, in order to effective help a person into drug rehab.

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The First Step To Your Recovery

The first step to your recovery is to contact us and discuss your background, circumstances and concerns for needing treatment. From there, our staff can determine what type of treatment will be best for you. All of our treatment programs are individualized based on each client, which is why we need to gather as much information as we can before you are admitted to our rehab program.

If you or a loved one are suffering from the disease of addiction, residential addiction treatment could be right for you. Please call us to speak with one of Inland Detoxs compassionate staff members, available 24/7. Addiction help is just a phone call away.

Am I Overreacting To A Substance Use Problem

If you are noticing problems in friend or family members work, health, family, finances, relationships, social functioning, legal issues, self-esteem or self-respect, you are not overreacting.

Continuing to use substances in spite of the fact that such behavior is causing problems, is a problem in and of itself. It shows that substance use has become more important than the problems it causes. Someone who is unwilling to discuss the issue or consider whether there might be a problem is a strong indicator that a problem exists.

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Find And Obtain Support For Families Of Addicts

Being in a relationship with a person who has an addiction is often stressful. It’s important that you accept that what you are going through is difficult and seek support. There are many resources that exist for this purpose.

You might want to consider participating in support groups, for instance, such as Al-Anon or Nar-Anon. Children and teens can get support from Alateen. If you’re looking for information, the SAMHSA offers a variety of printable resources designed to provide insight and support for families of addicts.

When deciding how to help an addict, it’s also beneficial to develop stress management strategies. This is an important step in helping your loved one. It also benefits you when working through the stressors you will likely encounter when helping a friend or family member work obtain and receive addiction help.

Choose A Spokesperson Ahead Of Time

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It is a good idea to have a spokesperson, such as the interventionist or another professional, to run the intervention. This way, the person who is struggling with addiction does not feel like they are being ganged up on by their loved ones.

The spokesperson will run the intervention, introduce speakers, and allow the person to respond at the appropriate time. They can also help to manage volatile emotions and keep the event from going off track.

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Following A Few Guidelines Will Help You Have A Discussion:

If the problem has only occurred over a short period of time or has not reached a severe stage, it is possible that the adult you care about could successfully cut back on the use of alcohol or other drugs. If the person has not tried cutting back, you could suggest this strategy as a first step. Some people in the risky stages of substance use, or even in the early stage of addiction, are able to cut back and consistently use only minimal amounts in the future.

You may find, though as many do that people who can cut back are the exception, not the rule. Many people try to cut down and discover that they cant, or that they can only cut back for a few days or a few weeks before resuming heavy or excessive use. Trying to cut down and failing may help the person realize that the problem is more extensive than once thought.

You may also find that the person is able to stop completely. But many struggling with addiction have tried this strategy and couldnt stop or remain abstinent for a significant amount of time. Ideally, the person should be assessed by a professional who can determine the best course of action depending on the severity of the problem and the persons medical, psychological, and social history. If you sense the person is willing to consider that there is a problem, suggest that an evaluation or a consultation with a trusted medical or mental health professional.

Helping A Loved One Take The First Step To Recovery

Now that you see that, go ahead and ease delicately into experimenting with a few of these ways to help them take that first step.

1. Empathize. Dont Criticize. Yeah youre probably really angry right now. But you need to set that aside for a minute. Every time you point a finger or raise your voice, youre pushing your loved one farther away. Somewhere inside them, they know they have a problem. Bring that to the surface in them through genuine trust and understanding. Ask questions. Listen. Truly understand their fears and obstacles.

2. Protect Yourself. Your loved one isnt the only one in danger. While you might make try to monitor your loved ones activities around the clock, make it a point to enlist some healthy boundaries and allow yourself some personal time to regroup and re-energize. You need to help yourself and maintain your own sanity if youre going to try and help them.

3. Be Firm, But Fair. If youre in a situation where you live with an addicted loved one, you need to specify some ground rules. You know they have an addiction. They know they have an addiction. So make it clear to them that you will not support their habit in any way. If this means removing financial accesses, do it. If its your child struggling with addiction, take the car keys. Revoke privileges. Limit opportunities to sneak away and get drunk or high as much as you possibly can. With these restrictions in place, they may just be motivated enough to start thinking about quitting.

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Take Them To A Health Care Professional

If theyre still resistant after youve made the effort to give them informed advice about seeking professional help, see if you can get them to explore their treatment options with their doctor. Make it clear that youre just going to talk about the recovery process and theres no obligation to do anything but talk. Hearing the same sentiment from a health care professional that theyve recently heard from you might be the catalyst they need to get help.

If youve taken the addicted person to the doctor and theyre not changing their attitude or perception of the situation, take a step back. Read through your journal for the last few months and assess whether youre making progress or youve hit a brick wall. If you think its time to take stronger action, wed recommend consulting a professional interventionist for advice. In many instances, this route is highly effective.

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Involuntary Commitment Treatment Laws

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The following are some examples of laws passed in certain states regarding involuntary commitment for drug treatment. Specific provisions about who can apply for a court order, the standard that must be met before the court will intervene and how long someone can be made to stay at a treatment center.

Kentucky has Caseys Law to help parents and other concerned people in an addicts life get them into treatment. Named for Casey Wethington, who died of a heroin overdose in 2002 at age 23, the law allows a petition to be filed with the court requesting an order for involuntary commitment. The respondent has the right to be examined by the court as well as two medical professionals . The petitioner must show that the addict is a danger to himself or others. If the court finds that the addict could benefit from treatment, an order will be made that they will undergo treatment from 60-360 days. The petitioner is responsible for paying for the cost of treatment.

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Make An Intervention Plan

Making a plan for approaching a loved one about an addiction problem can help family or friends to be prepared for anything that may happen during the conversation. Gathering a group of people who can help, and even potentially hiring an intervention specialist to help in developing the plan, can ease the burden of the conversation. It can also provide a united front in convincing the person that family and friends have the loved ones best interests at heart.

The Association of Intervention Specialists can help in finding a professional trained to plan the event. The treatment center may also have resources that will support the process. In any case, establishing the plan in advance can ensure that family and friends have prepared responses for multiple objections that the individual might raise, making it more likely that the loved one can be convinced of the need for treatment.

How Can I Find Support

The first step to getting help is often acknowledging that you need it. So if youre here, youre well on your way to making healthy choices.

Figuring out next steps in getting help for substance use disorder can feel daunting. Know that youre not alone and that you have options, including:

If you are interested in finding a rehab facility or day program, the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Administration can be a great place to start. You can also find 12-step programs by searching databases like Alcoholics Anonymous or Narcotics Anonymous.

For therapists, you can also search the American Board of Addiction Medicine site to check for providers and their credentials.

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Can You Force Someone Into Treatment Successfully

In the United States, 37 states along with the District of Columbia have regulations that allow for involuntary commitment to addiction treatment facilities. These regulations were established for parents whose children were facing a substance use disorder and refusing to get help for it. Parents wanted to find out how to involuntarily commit someone to a drug treatment facility, and the National Alliance for Model State Drug Laws established strict stipulations for involuntary commitment.

If you figure out how to get someone in treatment that doesnt want to go, it doesnt mean you should force them to get help. The Massachusetts Department of Public Health researched the effects of forced recovery and found that people involuntarily committed into a treatment facility were twice as likely to die from an overdose than those who consented to enter treatment. Another similar study found that the long-term recovery outcomes for people who were forced into getting help werent any better or worse than those who chose professional addiction treatment of their own free will.

In general, its usually better if a person chooses to get help rather than if theyre forced into it. Resentment and an unwillingness to complete recovery are potential risks of forced treatment. People are more likely to take their recovery process more seriously if they truly want to become sober.

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Practice Empathy And Dont Give Up

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When trying to get someone into rehab, its crucial to be empathetic. Helping an alcoholic can be frustrating and difficult, but people dont like to be forced into doing things. It may take a while, but they need to make the decision on their own. To do this, you can use generalized, open-ended questions to help them think about the situation at hand and how it may be affecting their friends and family. Demonstrating concern is a more effective way to empathetically connect with someone suffering from alcoholism use I statements to help them understand how this is affecting you, too, and you want whats best for them.

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How To Help Someone On Drugs: Recovery Is Possible

Its difficult to help someone with a drug addiction. But, it is possible. If you can find the right program and enlist the right people for support, you should be able to help them get better.

Remember, more than 72,000 Americans died of a drug overdose in 2017. This is a widespread problem. You and your loved ones are not alone.

Throughout the process, its important for you to take care of yourself. The more stable your mental health is, the easier it will be to help them work through their issues.If life seems hopeless and recovery feels impossible, contact us. Our staff has helped hundreds of addicts move past their own addictions. We want to do the same for you and your loved ones.

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