Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Mental Health And Drug Addiction Treatment Centers

Supporting Your Journey To Recovery

Supporting Recovery: Integrated Treatment for Co-Occurring Disorders

The Substance Use Resource Center is a publicly-available, national resource designed to support people seeking substance use treatment and recovery services. This resource is open to everyone, regardless of their insurance status. The Substance Use Resource Center connects individuals as well as friends and family of individuals in need with appropriate resources close to home from a source they can trust.

History Of Dual Diagnosis

Dual diagnosis typically applies to people who suffer from a severe, persistent mental illness coupled with a substance abuse disorder. Historically, there has been a split in the U.S. between mental health and addiction services. A group that has fallen through the cracks of this divide are people whove been given a dual diagnosis.

Because each system of treatment has existed in isolation, it has been extremely difficult for people who have a dual diagnosis to get the care they need in either traditional mental health or addiction treatment programs.

Until integrated dual diagnosis programs became available, it was more difficult for people with co-occurring disorders to receive effective help because they generally participated in separate treatment programs that didnt address their unique needs.

Individuals with dual diagnosis disorders require a treatment program grounded in expertise in both areas. Fortunately, increasing numbers of substance use disorder treatment programs are becoming equipped to treat co-occurring disorders.

What Is Mental Illness

Nearly 1 in 5 Americans suffer from some form of mental health condition. Like any physical disease, there is a range of severity and conditions. Because of this, mental illness is not only challenging to treat and talk about because it can vary so greatly, but also because unlike physical ailments, mental maladies are usually unseen.

Largely, there are two categories of mental disorders: Any Mental Illness and Serious Mental Illness . The first distinction is used to classify any and all mental disorders with varying levels of impairment from mild to severe, while SMI is defined by illnesses that significantly debilitate an individuals ability to function and carry out daily tasks.

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How To Treat A Mental Health And Drug Abuse Problem

Treatment for co-occurring disorders begins with a comprehensive intake and evaluation by a medical professional to assess the problem, your overall health, social factors, living situation, and any other concerns. Depending on the substance you abuse, you might start with detox, which is a set of interventions designed to help your body cleanse from substances and address symptoms of withdrawal.14 Detox prepares you for further treatment.14 While detox can take place on an in- or outpatient basis, inpatient detox tends to be more effective for helping people obtain initial sobriety and stabilization, according to NAMI.15

Co-occurring disorders are mainly treated with medication and behavioral therapies.1 Different types of dual diagnosis rehab services are available for individuals seeking co-occurring disorder treatment. The proper treatment facility for you can vary depending on your needs, and different settings can work better for different people. Treatment settings include:3, 14, 16

The time frame for treatment can vary. Treatment should be personalized based on individual factors, such as the level of addiction and your physical and mental health. Generally speaking, inpatient stays range from 2830 days to 90 days or longer. Outpatient treatment might last 2 months to one year.3, 14

A Tailored Approach To Drug And Alcohol Rehab

Outpatient Drug Rehab Program and Treatment in Florida

At Inspire Change Wellness Rehab Vancouver, we recognize and embrace the fact that everyones addiction issues and recovery are different. Your path to addiction is not the same any anybody elses, and we do not expect you to follow the same path to recovery.

We develop an addiction treatment program that is tailor-made for you. Our unique treatment centers offer recovery services that are unique for your needs, including detox, group therapy, trauma counselling, health care services, and ongoing support and aftercare.

We recognize the importance of treatment programs that include participation from loved ones and families and welcome input as we develop a program that fits your life, challenges, unique circumstances, and goals.

Addiction recovery is a beautiful but difficult path and we are here to walk beside you every step of the way.

Addiction Treatment Programs We Offer

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Best Overall: Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation

Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation

Why We Chose It: Two historic addiction treatment centers merged, providing more than 100 years of combined experience to individuals looking to recover from alcohol and drug addiction.

  • In-network with more than 35 insurance companies

  • No Medicare or Medicaid coverage

  • Teen program only offered at specific locations

One of the first addiction treatment centers, Hazelden, was founded in 1949 and served as planning inspiration for former First Lady Betty Ford for the Betty Ford Center, which opened its doors in 1982.

A merger of the two treatment centers in 2014 led to the formation of the Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation, making them one of the foremost addiction treatment centers in the country. With more than a century of combined experience, the Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation has led the way in research and training the next generation of addiction specialists at its graduate school in addiction studies. This focus on education strengthens their in-patient and out-patient treatment services.

Accredited by The Joint Commission and a member of the National Association of Addiction Treatment Providers , the Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation facilitates 12-step interventions and other therapies including cognitive-behavioral therapy to address co-occurring mental health disorders. Upon completion of treatment, individuals have access to ongoing recovery monitoring, including recovery coaching and retreats.

Dual Diagnosis Treatment Aftercare

While dual diagnosis treatment lays the foundation for recovery and long-term sobriety, aftercare helps maintain the progress made during treatment.

Ongoing support is essential for anyone in recovery from addiction and is even more important when a mental health disorder is present. A comprehensive, individualized aftercare program is vital to sobriety and progressive recovery after completion of a dual diagnosis rehab program.

Dual diagnosis treatment centers take extra care to incorporate relapse prevention into the aftercare plan. Prior to leaving a treatment program, the individual will meet with counselors to discuss a plan for aftercare.

Many dual diagnosis rehab facilities offer follow-up programs to assist recovering individuals as they transition back into their everyday lives. These follow-up plans may include:

In dual diagnosis aftercare support groups, it is often said that participants get what they give, so they are encouraged to interact with other group members and share their experiences with the group. Once those recovering from dual diagnosis are more established in their sobriety, they may choose to mentor others who are newly recovering as well.

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Inpatient Treatment Programs For Co

There is evidence that with help, people with a dual diagnosis and co-occurring disorders can stabilize and recover. A large part of the treatment for dual diagnosis involves behavioral interventions. Types of behavioral therapy commonly used in dual diagnosis treatment include:

  • Dialectic behavioral therapy, which has the goal of reducing self-harming behaviors that often accompany mental health conditions and substance use disorders.
  • Integrated group therapy, which seeks to treat the symptoms of both substance use disorders and mental health illnesses all at once.
  • Cognitive behavioral therapy, which works to minimize problematic beliefs and behaviors and develop healthier thinking and behavioral patterns to sustain sobriety.
  • Individual psychotherapy, which treats behaviors related to substance abuse and/or particular behavioral or mental health problems.

Dual diagnosis treatment programs sometimes utilize behavioral therapies in combination with medication. Medicines will vary according to the individual and the diagnosis. Some of the more commonly used medications include lithium and anticonvulsants, which are often prescribed as mood stabilizers, selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors and other antidepressants, and anti-anxiety drugs such as buspirone .

Access To Our Network Of Support

Sierra Tucson offers treatment to help you overcome addiction and mental health issues

Sheppard Pratt has a history of providing leading-edge mental health treatment. Our patients have access to our wide range of services, including off-site counseling, addiction services, and residential rehabilitation. We can offer an extra layer of treatment and support to help individuals in their recovery.

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Dual Diagnosis Treatment For Mental Health And Substance Abuse

The term dual diagnosis refers to a situation in which a person experiences a mental health disorder and substance use disorder simultaneously.7 It is a broad term that reflects a spectrum of levels of severity. One person could have mild depression as a result of alcohol use, while another may have a bipolar disorder and use heroin during a manic episode.7

Integrated treatment is the most common method for a person seeking dual diagnosis treatment with co-occurring disorders.7 Treatment will look slightly different for everyone as treatment plans are often tailored to meet a patients individual treatment needs. While treatment plans may vary, they commonly include a combination of detoxification , medication-assisted treatment, and psychotherapy along with cognitive-behavioral therapy .7

Get Help For A Dual Diagnosis

While some individuals develop an addiction to drugs or alcohol before being diagnosed with a mental illness, others become addicted afterward. Whichever happened first, its paramount to find a tailored treatment plan that targets both disorders simultaneously rather than a plan that treats them separately. In the case of a dual diagnosis, the structured and safe environment of an inpatient rehab center can be extremely beneficial.

Going to inpatient rehab for a co-occurring disorder is ideal because of the high level of attention and care that patients receive. Oftentimes, people with co-occurring disorders arrive at rehab in various states of distress and poor general health. The combination of extensive substance abuse and a neglected mental condition generally requires the help of both mental health and addiction professionals.

Featured Centers Offering Dual Diagnosis Treatment

When deciding on a rehab center, choose one that specializes in you or your loved ones type of addiction and co-occurring disorder. Doing so will ensure the most effective care as well as the greatest potential for a full recovery.

Ask the following questions to help you make an easier and more informed decision:

1. Do you offer individualized treatment plans for all residents?

2. Is therapy structured to treat a dual diagnosis?

3. Will I or my loved one be evaluated by a licensed psychiatric professional or physician before admission?

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What Is Mental Health

Mental health refers to a persons psychological and emotional well-being. A neurotypical person with good mental health will find it easier to lead a happy and healthy life.

There are a variety of factors that influence mental health, including genetics and life events. Mental health can also be affected by illness and chemical imbalances in the brain. In these cases, the individual is said to be suffering from a mental health disorder or mental illness.

Mental health disorders affect mood, thought processes, and behaviors. Common examples of mental health disorders include bipolar disorder, depression, anxiety, schizophrenia, social phobia, obsessive-compulsive disorder , and post-traumatic stress disorder .

Chapter 5specialized Substance Abuse Treatment Programs

Kern County Rehab Centers: Success Story

Primary care clinicians need to be familiar with available treatment resources for theirpatients who have diagnosed substance abuse or dependence disorders. The clinician’sresponsibility to the patient does not end with the patient’s entry into formaltreatment rather, the physician may become a collaborative part of the treatment team,or, minimally, continue to treat the patient’s medical conditions during the specializedtreatment, encourage continuing participation in the program, and schedule followupvisits after treatment termination to monitor progress and help prevent relapse.

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Best Inpatient Drug Rehab Centers In The Us In 2022

This list of the top 10 drug rehab centers in the United States is based on a number of qualifying selection criteria. These criteria include, but are not limited to, accommodations, accreditation, treatment modalities, location, and client reviews.

The following list will be updated annually and is completely subjective. Be sure to check out our list of Top 10 Drug And Alcohol Rehab Centers in each state as well.

Mental Health And Drug Addiction

The state of your mental health and drug addiction have close ties. In fact, mental health issues can even lead to problems with substance abuse. When a person doesnt have the skills to deal with their unpleasant mental health symptoms, they may turn to drugs as a solution.

Similarly, drug addiction can worsen or even cause mental health problems. Drugs change the chemistry in your brain, which can lead to mental health challenges like anxiety and depression.

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About Mental Health And Substance Abuse Services

People with both mental health and substance abuse issues take varying routes to complete recovery. As such, the mental health and substance abuse treatments you are given should cater to your particular mental health condition and drug addiction so that they address your unique needs.

If you have a behavioral health problem, in particular, the most ideal approach is often to introduce a combination of medication, counseling, and therapy. Additional supportive treatments like therapy and case management may also be important in promoting your recovery and long-term health by effectively treating your mental health issue and, concurrently, dissipating your drug and alcohol addiction and dependence.

Will I Go Through A Detox

Co-Occurring Disorders — Introductory Video

You may go through a detox when you stop using substances, though the symptoms and severity will vary based on your degree and nature of SUD. Withdrawal symptoms vary by drug. For example, marijuana withdrawal has a lot less severe symptoms than that of prescription sedatives its the difference between experiencing irritability and fatigue, and potentially having seizures and hallucinations. Whether or not your detox will take place under the care of a medical teamin-patient or out-patientwill be determined by a clinician. Detox is often the first phase of your recovery, and involves stopping the use of drugs so that rehabilitation can begin.

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Are You Struggling With A Mental Health Condition Or Drug Addiction Learn More About Mental Health And Addiction Therapies

Mental health refers to a persons overall psychological well-being. The goal of mental health therapy is to restore psychological balance if it has been disrupted. Drug addiction refers to a substance use disorder involving prescription or illicit substances or alcohol. The goal of addiction therapy is to help an individual overcome their physical dependence on drugs and also address underlying mental health issues.

Many treatments for mental health conditions overlap with addiction therapy. Likewise, many individuals with substance use disorders struggle with co-occurring mental health conditions.

Why Is Dual Diagnosis Treatment Program Important

According to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration , nearly 8 million adults struggled with both a substance use disorder and a mental disorder in 2014. However, only a fraction of people with substance abuse problems and/or mental illnesses seek professional help to get the treatment they need.

There is no specific explanation for why drug and alcohol addiction and psychiatric illness co-occur so frequently. People who suffer from both a substance disorder and mental illness often exhibit symptoms that are more persistent, severe, and resistant to treatment compared with people who suffer from only one disorder.

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What Is A Mental Health Disorder

Mental health disorders are sometimes referred to as mental health conditions or mental illnesses.5 The terms may be used interchangeably. In medical terms, a mental health disorder is a condition that affects a persons thinking, feeling, behavior, or mood, and negatively impacts everyday life. It can also affect ones ability to relate to others.5

There is a wide range of mental health disorders some common conditions include depression and anxiety disorders, attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder , borderline personality disorder, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, eating disorders, obsessive-compulsive disorders , and post-traumatic stress disorder .5

People exhibiting symptoms or warning signs of a mental health disorder should speak with a licensed medical professional to discuss next steps and treatment options.

What Are The Treatment Options For A Dual Diagnosis

Are inpatient rehab centers an ideal choice for drug addicts?

At the best mental health treatment center North Carolina has to offer, clients can learn more about the treatment options they can choose from. Often, the treatment center will do an initial evaluation to decide the right care for each unique individual. This may involve medication for a mental illness or a recommended stay in rehab.

The dual diagnosis treatment center may use different therapies like cognitive behavioral therapy or trauma therapy to help the individual to change their lifestyle. Group meetings help provide feedback, advice and support during recovery. Meanwhile, family therapy allows clients to get the support they need to stay sober after their rehab stay is complete.

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Best For Adults: Caron Pennsylvania

Caron Pennsylvania

Why We Chose It: Caron Pennsylvania has developed specific treatment programs divided by gender and age group, recognizing the biological and social differences in addiction.

  • Additional services for teens, first-responders, and legal professionals

  • No Medicare or Medicaid coverage

  • Gender-specific programming only in Pennsylvania

Caron Pennsylvania recognizes the differences between genders and age groups, offering treatment programs that take distinct biology and social expectations into account. Specialized treatment around peers focuses on body, mind and spirit, with programs for young adults, those middle-aged, and older adults all operating separately for men and women. Both in-patient and out-patient treatment is available in the Mens and Womens Centers.

Caron Pennsylvania is accredited by the Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities , with additional facilities located in Florida however, these do not have gender-specific treatment options. Caron Pennsylvania has core in-patient and outpatient programs, with signature offerings in a secluded part of the campus also available. All individuals being treated can expect traditional 12-step programming and cognitive behavioral therapy, while the signature program includes additional amenities such as brain-mapping and nutritional counseling. Alumni have access to continuing support and an extensive referral network.

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