Thursday, September 5, 2024

What Is The Difference Between Substance Abuse And Addiction

How Gambling Addiction Differs From Substance Addiction

1. What is the difference between drug abuse and drug addiction?

Addictive behaviors such as problem gambling and substance addiction overlap in many ways.; But there are distinct differences between problem gambling and substance abuse such as:

  • Gambling is a more behaviorally-based and cognitively-based disorder than substance addiction. Cognitively speaking, most researchers characterize excessive gamblers as demonstrating cognitive distortions in their core belief systems about their ability to win at gambling.
  • The treatment approach to these conditions differs significantly.; Cognitive-behavioral approaches to treating gambling problems are effective for those who see gambling as rational behavior. Teaching the real odds of winning games often changes the belief that gambling can be profitable. Treatment for gambling problems also focuses on assessing financial problems caused by gambling by reducing access to cash, controlling credit card use, debt resolution, and financial planning.On the other hand, substance addiction treatment relies more on residential services, including withdrawal management and treatment. Medical intervention such as detoxification is typically required for individuals who suffer from substance addiction.
  • If you think you or someone you know is suffering from gambling addiction, we at Algamus Gambling Treatment Services are here to help. Visit us online to learn more about addiction. Call us at 888-527-3098 to schedule a consultation.

    Signs Of Drug Addiction

    Drug addiction can be identified by numerous factors and is generally defined by if two or more of the following develop within the same year:

  • It causes relationships to deteriorate and social problems to develop.
  • A person begins to experience withdrawal symptoms once use ceases.
  • All other activities and responsibilities take a backseat to substance abuse.
  • There is no desire to stop or minimize use and a person continues to use despite being aware of the consequences it is producing.
  • They begin to experience cravings for it.
  • Tolerance develops and a person must begin using higher doses to experience the same effects.
  • Pay attention to changes in mood, behavior, and physical appearance in your child to identify signs of a developing problem. Be sure to stay engaged and discuss your concerns with your child to keep an open line of communication.

    When A Loved One Has A Drug Problem

    If you suspect that a friend or family member has a drug problem, here are a few things you can do:

    Speak up. Talk to the person about your concerns, and offer your help and support without being judgmental. The earlier addiction is treated, the better. Dont wait for your loved one to hit rock bottom! List specific examples of your loved ones behavior that have you worried and urge them to seek help.

    Take care of yourself. Stay safe. Dont put yourself in dangerous situations. Dont get so caught up in someone elses drug problem that you neglect your own needs. Make sure you have people you can talk to and lean on for support.

    Support organizations, professional help

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    An Introduction To Drug Abuse And Addiction

    Only a fraction of those who need treatment for alcohol and drug abuse and addiction actually receive it.

    Drug abuse, addiction and alcoholism are three of the most common problems plaguing adolescents, teens, and adults alike. Recent reports place the numbers of Americans, aged 12 and older, suffering from substance and/or alcohol abuse issues above 20 million. Despite the staggering numbers and the fact that only a fraction of those who need treatment for alcohol and drug abuse and addiction actually receive it when it is affecting you or someone close to you, there are many things you can do to help address the burgeoning problem of drug abuse.

    The Difference Between Drug Addiction And Dependence

    Four Differences: Substance Abuse vs. Addiction

    The main difference between dependence and addiction and most simple way to differentiate between the two is that dependence is when a drug is required to and allows someone to maintain normal functioning, whereas, conversely, addiction actually interferes with an individuals normal functioning.; The treatment for these two conditions differs. People who are dependent on a drug or alcohol must detox from that substance; dependence can be managed and resolved through slowly lowering the dosage through tapering. They also may be prescribed medications to help them avoid relapse and will almost definitely also attend counseling and group therapy to stay off the drug in the future.; Addiction recovery treatment certainly also includes counseling and group therapy, but it may or may not require detoxing.; Furthermore, treatment for addiction must also seek the root of the problem in the individual, which may be related to mental health issues, depression, or anxiety.

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    How Long Does It Take To Develop A Drug Addiction

    There is no set amount of time that it takes for a person to become addicted to a drug. Various factors impact how quickly a person develops a drug addiction, and these include:

    • Age
    • Genetics
    • Social interactions

    Additionally, there are several warning signs that indicate an individual may be dealing with a drug addiction, and these signs include:

    • Bloodshot eyes or pupils
    • Changes in a persons physical appearance and/or personal hygiene
    • Rapid weight loss or gain
    • Slurred speech and/or impaired motor coordination
    • Sudden lack of interest in past activities or relationships

    If you or someone you know is struggling with a drug addiction, dont wait to get help. Remember, the longer it takes a person to identify and address a drug addiction, the more difficult it may be for this individual to overcome his or her addiction. And in some instances, a drug addiction may be fatal. Fortunately, by exploring drug addiction treatment options, a person can take the first step to beat his or her addiction.

    How Does Nida Use The Terms Drug Use Misuse And Addiction

    Drug use refers to any scope of use of illegal drugs: heroin use, cocaine use, tobacco use. Drug misuse;is used to distinguish improper or unhealthy use from use of a medication as prescribed or alcohol in moderation. These include the repeated use of drugs to produce pleasure, alleviate stress, and/or alter or avoid reality. It also includes using prescription drugs in ways other than prescribed or using someone elses prescription. Addiction refers to substance use disorders at the severe end of the spectrum and is characterized by a persons inability to control the impulse to use drugs even when there are negative consequences. These behavioral changes are also accompanied by changes in brain function, especially in the brains natural inhibition and reward centers. NIDAs use of the term addiction corresponds roughly to the DSM definition of substance use disorder. The DSM does not use the term addiction.

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    The Damage Done By Drug Abuse

    However, this isnt to suggest that drug abuse isnt harmful. Individuals who use drugs or alcohol inadvertently can suffer negative consequences. Overdosing is still possible, as is getting communicable diseases like hepatitis B or C or HIV/AIDS. Those that are not addicted to drugs have greater control over their intake. If these people want to avoid using drugs or alcohol, they will generally do so without undergoing lengthy treatment. Theres always a risk that frequent use will turn into Drug Abuse, and addiction can increase in many situations.

    According to the National Institute on Substance Addiction and Alcoholism, 40% of people who start drinking before the age of 15 will become addicted to alcohol.

    What Is Physical Dependence

    Whats the difference between addiction and substance abuse?

    Physical dependence is when the body has physiologically adapted to the presence of a substance.

    When you repeatedly use a drug, the brain begins to adapt to the increased dopamine. Neurons start making less dopamine or reduce the number of receptors. The amount of dopamine your brain naturally produces decreases, and you begin to feel depressed and unable to enjoy the things that normally give you pleasure. You still seek the drug to increase your dopamine levels and achieve that high, but you now need the drug just to feel normal; you are physically dependant.

    If you have a physical dependence on a substance, you will experience a range of withdrawal symptoms when you stop using it. These can be uncomfortable and, in some cases, can be dangerous. They make it even more challenging to stop using a substance.

    9 Signs and symptoms of drug addiction are:

    • Feeling like you need to use a drug to cope with a problem
    • Losing interest in hobbies or activities you usually enjoy
    • Losing friends or having issues with colleagues at work
    • Missing days off work
    • Stealing and lying to family and friends
    • Having sudden and more frequent outbursts of anger
    • Feeling depressed or anxious

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    Substance Abuse And Addictions

    What is the difference between Substance Use and Substance Abuse?

    Substance use: A vast majority of drugs and alcohol can be used without their use leading to abuse or addiction. Youth sometimes use substances to express their independence and autonomy. This use should not be automatically equated with substance abuse. Most youth who use substances do not develop problem use or dependency. Substance abuse: Substance abuse or addictions are a result of the continued use of drugs, substances, or alcohol despite repeated negative effects on the users and others. Substance abuse is usually part of a much larger problem, such as problems at home, problems at school, personal stress, or trauma. Some personal factors play a role in increasing the risk of substance abuse. These include mental illness, low self-esteem, personal or social problems, and lack of skills required to resist social pressure. Connectedness and resilience are key protective factors in preventing substance abuse.Connectedness is having a sense of belonging, and having strong and meaningful relationships with family, peers, and mentors. Resilience is the quality that makes people capable of dealing with problems and responding positively to life events.


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    Warning Signs Of Prescription Drug Abuse

    In recent years, prescription drug abuse has become an escalating problem, most commonly involving opioid painkillers, anti-anxiety medications, sedatives, and stimulants. Many people start taking these drugs to cope with a specific medical problemtaking painkillers following injury or surgery, for example. However, over time, increased doses are needed to achieve the same level of pain relief and some users can become physically dependent, experiencing withdrawal symptoms if they try to quit.

    One of the earliest warning signs of a developing problem is going through the medication at a faster-than-expected rate. In other cases, people start abusing medication not prescribed for them in order to experience a high, relieve tension, increase alertness, or improve concentration.

    To avoid developing problems with a prescription medication, its important to take it only as directed, use the lowest dose for the shortest period possible, and to talk to your doctor about other methods of treating the problem. Being aware of any signs of dependency can help identify prescription drug problems at an early stage and help to prevent them progressing into an addiction.

    Warning signs of commonly abused prescription drugs

    Anti-anxiety medications, sedatives, and hypnotics : Contracted pupils; drunk-like, slurred speech, difficulty concentrating, clumsiness; poor judgment, drowsiness, slowed breathing.

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    More Details About Drug Dependence

    The medical community defines drug dependence as three of the following occurring within a single year:

    • Building a tolerance for the drug. This may include the need to take more and more of the drug to get its desired effect, or a lessening of the effect one gets when they continue to take the same amount of the drug.
    • Withdrawal symptoms. These may include physical and psychological symptoms such as nausea, sleeplessness, irritability, muscle aches, etc. The length of time that withdrawal symptoms are experienced varies according to the individual and the intensity of the drug addiction, but as a general rule, they will last between two to five days.
    • The inability to stop taking the drug in question
    • The individual takes more and more of the drug over time. More than he or she originally had intentioned.
    • The individual becomes obsessed with the drug, and the pursuit of it begins to overtake their life.

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    Experts from the National Institute on Drug Abuse explain that drug addiction is a chronic health condition that requires ongoing treatment. A wide variety of treatment options are available to help beat substance abuse and addiction.

    If you or a loved one are struggling with addiction, WebMD Connect to Care Advisors are standing by to help.

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    Understanding Drug Use And Addiction Drugfacts

    Many people don’t understand why or how other people become addicted to drugs. They may mistakenly think that those who use drugs lack moral principles or willpower and that they could stop their drug use simply by choosing to. In reality, drug addiction is a complex disease, and quitting usually takes more than good intentions or a strong will. Drugs change the brain in ways that make quitting hard, even for those who want to. Fortunately, researchers know more than ever about how drugs affect the brain and have found treatments that can help people recover from drug addiction and lead productive lives.

    Effects Of Drug Abuse

    Some people believe that experimentation as an adolescent or young adult is a normal part of growing up and do not feel as though it is as dangerous as addiction; however, it can have detrimental effects without reaching that point. This is especially true for teens and young adults because of the fact that the body is still undergoing major biological changes. The introduction of mind and mood-altering substances during this time can have numerous consequences on a persons development.

    Different drugs have varying effects depending on numerous factors. The potency of the substance, frequency of use, and whether or not it is mixed with other drugs can produce dangerous side effects that can put a person at risk. Substance abuse affects a persons thinking, mood, energy, and perception of things around them. This combined with decreased motor-functioning, impaired judgement, and poor decision-making can put a person in a dangerous situation. Drug use can also lower inhibitions making a person more likely to engage in activities or behaviors they would not otherwise.

    Drug abuse also puts a person at risk for being exposed to infectious diseases and a host of other health problems. Even occasional substance abuse can put a person at risk for overdose.

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    The Difference Between Substance Abuse And Addiction

    Many people mistakenly believe that substance abuse and addiction mean the same thing, when in reality they describe two different sets of behaviors. A big part of substance abuse recovery is for the patient to understand his or her relationship to a substance and recognize the effects that relationship has had in his or her life.

    At Harmony Place, we want potential clients and our readers to know the difference between substance abuse and addiction, so they can better understand the treatment options available for these two stages. Its also important to understand the links between substance abuse and addiction. Often, the former will lead to the latter.

    What Is Substance Use

    Drug Dependence Vs Drug Addiction

    This is the easy one to define. Substance use means exactly what it sounds like it does. It means somebody is using a substance with psychoactive properties. That substance can be legal or illegal, prescribed or simply bought off a shelf somewhere.

    Having a sip of wine counts as substance use. So does shooting heroin. Those arent the same thing by any stretch of the imagination, but that should give you an idea of how broad this umbrella is. Some looser interpretations will even include eating chocolate as a form of substance use, since it contains caffeine.

    Theres a good chance that everyone reading this right now has had wine, beer, or chocolate at some point. And therefore, everyone reading this has, at some point, probably been a substance user. Theres nothing wrong with that at all. Substance use, in its broadest sense, is simply a part of normal human life.

    Where we run into trouble is when the wrong substances start to get used, or substances are used outside of their intended contexts, or in too high of quantities.

    Those situations are what the American Psychiatric Association call substance use disorders. Substance use disorders are when substance use goes from normal, moderated and manageable to problematic and potentially dangerous.

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    Drug And Alcohol Addiction

    The main difference between drug and alcohol abuse vs addiction is, addiction is a disease that affects most if not all areas of a persons life. A person with addiction often makes tragic decisions that worsen their situation. In addition to the ;risks and harms associated with substance abuse, those with an addiction also endanger their families and livelihood. They often miss work or school, get into legal trouble, endanger their families physically or financially, have terrible health issues, and other serious problems because of their substance use. Even with these dire consequences, people with an addiction cannot change their habits to improve their situation. This is why many people with addiction end up homeless, separated from their family, jobless, and eventually die from their substance use.

    Knowing the difference between substance abuse vs addiction will help you take the next steps. Remember, addiction is a long and winding road that often begins with abuse. Its never too late to turn off that road, and enroll in a treatment program. If you need help getting yourself or a loved one off the road to addiction, contact an experienced addiction professional at a drug addiction treatment center. They can provide you the materials and expertise that leads to sustained recovery and a renewed healthy life.

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