Wednesday, September 4, 2024

How To Beat Opiate Addiction On Your Own

The Most Common Addictions

How to beat Opiate addiction on your own.

Millions of people around the world struggle with SUDs. Some of the most common drugs that impede peoples lives include:

  • Nicotine
  • About

Jeffrey Juergens earned his Bachelors and Juris Doctor from the University of Florida. Jeffreys desire to help others led him to focus on economic and social development and policy making. After graduation, he decided to pursue his passion of writing and editing. Jeffreys mission is to educate and inform the public on addiction issues and help those in need of treatment find the best option for them.

Clinically Reviewed:

David Hampton

  • About

All of the information on this page has been reviewed and verified by a certified addiction professional.

David embarked on his journey into sobriety in June of 2005, which led him to his current career path as a Certified Professional Addiction Recovery Coach in private practice in Greater Nashville. David is also a public speaker and the author of two books. David is cohost of the weekly Positive Sobriety Podcast, as well as being a frequent contributor to various articles and recovery based materials. As a member of the National Association of Alcohol and Drug Abuse Counselors , David works closely with Nashville area treatment centers, nonprofit recovery organizations, and consulting with faith-based groups trying to bridge the gap between the recovery communities and faith-based organizations who wish to understand addiction.

Seeking Treatment At Resurgence Instead Of Learning How To Beat Opiate Addiction On Your Own

Professional treatment is the best option for those who are struggling with addiction to opiates, alcohol, or other substances, given the fact that addiction is a chronic medical condition that warrants treatment just like any other health problem. If you are seeking addiction treatment in California, Resurgence is located in Orange County and offers detox programming as well as outpatient services and inpatient treatment. We believe in providing an individualized treatment plan that meets the unique needs of each client, and we offer our inpatient services in a homelike setting, where you will have access to waterfalls, swimming pools, beaches, and piers.

If you are wondering how to beat opiate addiction on your own, you are probably worried that addiction treatment will be too costly. At Resurgence, we want to make treatment affordable for everyone. We accept most PPO insurances, and we are happy to conduct a free insurance verification to determine what services your plan covers and how much you can expect to pay out of pocket. Give us a call today to begin your recovery journey.

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Medications Used In Opiate Detox

Doctors often prescribe medications during the detox process. These medications help treat the long-term issues associated with opiate withdrawal, such as drug cravings. Over time, a doctor will gradually taper down the dosage of these medications until the patient recovers from acute withdrawal symptoms. Medications may continue to be prescribed while the patient is continuing treatment in an inpatient rehab center.

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Here are some of the most common medications used during opiate detox:

  • Clonidine

    Clonidine is often prescribed to suppress withdrawal symptoms and treat high blood pressure. It is especially useful in reducing symptoms of anxiety and stress. It is available as an oral tablet or patch that is worn on the skin. Clonidine does not cause the euphoric feelings commonly associated with opioid painkillers. As a result, the drug also has little potential for abuse and physical dependence. This makes it easier to discontinue the use of the drug once withdrawal symptoms subside.

  • Methadone

    Methadone was once widely used medication in detox settings, but has largely been replaced by buprenorphine. It is typically prescribed to help patients ease off of the drug they originally became dependent on. As a long-acting opioid, methadone is most effective as a long-term treatment method for patients struggling with chronic opiate addiction.

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    Teen Heroin Use At A Glance

    Teen substance abuse is an ongoing problem in the United States. According to a recent study published in JAMA Pediatrics, an estimated 30.9 percent of teens who experimented with heroin developed an addiction within the first twelve months. In addition, the CDC reported that 19.8 percent of drug overdose deaths were the result of heroin use.

    How Long Does An Opiate Detox Take

    Finding the Help You Need to Beat Drug Addiction

    Depending on the type of opiate used and abused, including heroin and prescription opiates, the opiate detox timeline typically starts with the beginning of withdrawal. This will start somewhere between the 8 and 30-hour mark after your last dose of the opiate and last anywhere from 4 and 10 days in total. The opiate detox withdrawal timeline for some patients may be shorter than if the addiction was new and dependency not severe. Sadly the opposite extreme scenario may also be a reality for some addicted to opiates, with the withdrawal symptoms lasting a month or even more.

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    Is It Possible To Go From Methadone To Suboxone

    Going from treatment with methadone to buprenorphine is possible, but not easy. As a rule of thumb, you should plan to taper down to 30 mg of methadone daily or less. Talk to your doctor and counselor at your clinic to help you reach this goal.

    When you do get to this milestone of a relatively low dosage of methadone, you will have to stop taking it and wait for at least a day and a half before starting buprenorphine. In most cases, you will have to wait longer to avoid the risk of precipitated withdrawal.

    During the waiting period of transitioning from methadone to Suboxone, your doctor may prescribe medications to help with any withdrawal symptoms you experience. The transition from methadone to buprenorphine should always be performed under the close supervision of a doctor.

    Legal Vs Illegal Opioid

    Legal opioids are prescribed by a health care professional most often to treat pain from conditions such as injuries, surgery, dental procedures, or long-term chronic pain.

    Illegal opioids are any opioids that are made, shared or sold illegally. Illegal opioids include:

    • street drugs from a drug dealer
    • opioids given to you by someone who is not your health care provider
    • opioids that are not prescribed to you but are taken from someone else

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    Drug Withdrawal Symptoms And Dangers

    The withdrawal process is the main reason people should generally not aim to overcome addiction without the help of professionals. The withdrawal process can be uncomfortable and result in many people going back to the substance to make the symptoms stop. In other words, the process can get in the way of successful recovery. Further, in some cases, withdrawal can actually be dangerous and even fatal. Thats why its smart, and sometimes essential, to gain professional support in going through the withdrawal process.

    The Messy Path To Getting Clean

    How i beat my heroin addiction

    Finally, I couldnt take it anymore and asked for help. I had a great, nonjudgmental primary care physician who helped me find a treatment program. I stayed there for a month and truly enjoyed being sober. Once I got past the acute withdrawals, things really started to look positive. I thought after 30 days in treatment, I would be cured and back on the right path. But getting sober is not that easy. I relapsed multiple times and was kicked out of the halfway house where I had been living.

    My parents let me live with them as long as I didnt use. That lasted about a week. After several months, I found myself at a crossroads give treatment another shot, or get out. I had no money, no job and nowhere to go. So I begrudgingly went back to inpatient care for another 30 days. From there I was sent to an extended care facility out of state for two months, then to a halfway house for another two months. I then went to a sober living house for nine months. All said and done, I was in supervised care for 13 months. I had over a year of sobriety before I was on my own again, and I dont think I would have made it if not for that intensive treatment.

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    Join Us At Destinations For Teens

    Were ready to answer all of your questions surrounding addiction treatment, including Can heroin withdrawal kill you? With a combination of evidence-based practices and a holistic approach, we offer families hope for recovery. Call our dedicated team and help your teen begin their journey to sobriety.

    The Difference Between Substance Misuse And Addiction

    If you recognize that you have a problem and are motivated to change, a natural recovery can work. But it depends on the nature of your substance abuse.

    You can misuse substances during stressful times. But if you feel physically and psychologically dependent on alcohol or drugs to get through your day, this is a substance use disorder . Addiction suggests a lack of control and a compulsive desire to use. If this is the case, then practicing restraint outside of a rehab setting can feel almost impossible.

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    Is Methadone A Good Option

    Some people become so dependent on these drugs that the very idea of having to quit creates a great deal of anxiety. Others may try to recover from these drugs and find themselves in a cycle of relapse. Medications like methadone and suboxone can help some people. Methadone is used with some treatment programs to lessen the symptoms of withdrawal and also to block the effects of opiate drugs

    Everyone is different and there is a debate in the recovery community: Is using methadone simply substituting one addiction for another? The answers vary, but the important thing to know is that addiction recovery is not always one-size-fits-all. It is important to discuss your options with a trusted medical provider or licensed rehab program.

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    How To Help A Loved One Struggling With Addiction

    How to Beat Drug Addiction (with Pictures)

    The best ways to help a person who is addicted to drugs or alcohol may seem counterintuitive, especially for people who struggle with codependent relationships. Some of these methods may seem harsh, but they come from a loving approach with the ultimate goal to help the person overcome their addiction and to help all parties heal. Basic steps are outlined below.

    • Remember that addiction is not a choice or a moral failing it is a disease of the brain
    • Addiction is ultimately a condition that the individual must learn to manage no one can take the fight on for the addict.
    • Set boundaries and stand by them.
    • Encourage the individual to seek help this may include finding treatment resources for them.
    • Find a therapist who specializes in addiction counseling and get help. Loved ones of addicts need support too.
    • Set an example for healthy living by giving up recreational drug and alcohol use.
    • Be supportive, but do not cover for problems created by substance abuse. The person struggling needs to deal with the consequences of their addiction.
    • Be optimistic. A person struggling with drug or alcohol abuse will likely eventually seek help due to ongoing encouragement to do so. If they relapse, it is not a sign of failure relapse is often part of the overall recovery process.

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    Origins Of Drug Liking

    Many factors, both individual and environmental, influence whether a particular person who experiments with opioid drugs will continue taking them long enough to become dependent or addicted. For individuals who do continue, the opioids ability to provide intense feelings of pleasure is a critical reason.

    When heroin, oxycodone, or any other opiate travels through the bloodstream to the brain, the chemicals attach to specialized proteins, called mu opioid receptors, on the surfaces of opiate-sensitive neurons . The linkage of these chemicals with the receptors triggers the same biochemical brain processes that reward people with feelings of pleasure when they engage in activities that promote basic life functions, such as eating and sex. Opioids are prescribed therapeutically to relieve pain, but when opioids activate these reward processes in the absence of significant pain, they can motivate repeated use of the drug simply for pleasure.

    The Mesolimbic Reward System

    When drugs stimulate mu opioid receptors in the brain, cells in the ventral tegmental area produce dopamine and release it into the nucleus accumbens , giving rise to feelings of pleasure. Feedback from the prefrontal cortex to the VTA helps us overcome drives to obtain pleasure through actions that may be unsafe or unwise, but this feedback appears to be compromised in individuals who become addicted to drugs. The locus ceruleus is an area of the brain that plays an important role in drug dependence.

    Response To An Opioid Overdose

    If you think someone is overdosing, call 9-1-1 right away, or your local emergency help line.

    Give the person naloxone if its available. Naloxone is a medication that can temporarily reverse an overdose if it is administered right away. You can give naloxone while you wait for professional help to arrive.

    An overdose is always an emergency. Even if someone has taken naloxone, it can wear off before the person has completely recovered from their overdose. They may need more than one dose. Always call for help.

    Follow the directions in your naloxone kit and from the 9-1-1 or emergency help line operator.

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    The Nature Of Addiction And The Answer To How To Beat Opiate Addiction On Your Own

    If you are wondering how to beat opiate addiction on your own, it is helpful to understand that because of the nature of addiction, it can be difficult to do so. As NIDA states, addiction to opiates and other substances causes long-lasting changes in the brain. These changes can lead a person to compulsively seek drugs or alcohol, even when they experience negative consequences from using them. Given the compulsive nature of addiction, it is classified as a clinical condition called a substance use disorder.

    When someone develops a substance use disorder, which can involve opiates, alcohol, or any other substances of abuse, they will demonstrate a variety of symptoms that suggest their drug or alcohol use is out of control. Some of these symptoms include strong cravings for drugs or alcohol, using larger amounts of drugs or alcohol than intended, or spending a significant amount of time using drugs or alcohol. If you have a substance use disorder, you may also continue to use drugs despite having difficulty meeting expectations at work, or you may find that you are unable to stop using them, despite attempting to do so. If youre still wondering, How do I get sober on my own? remember that a substance use disorder is a legitimate medical condition, and as with any other health problem, it is probably best to seek treatment.

    Whats The Difference Between Opiates And Opioids

    How To Beat Opioid Withdrawal! With No Withdrawal Symptoms

    The terms opiates and opioids are often used interchangeably, but they are different. Opiates are naturally occurring compounds such as codeine, morphine, and heroin. Opioids include opiates in addition to semi-synthetic, and synthetic substances. Common synthetic opioids are hydrocodone , fentanyl, methadone, and oxycodone .

    So, while every opiate is an opioid, not every opioid is an opiate. Both opiates and their synthetic counterparts are widely abused though. If opiates or opioids have a grip on your life, let North Jersey Recovery Center help you break free from that grip today.

    Opiate and opioid substance abuse affect over 2 million Americans and 15 million people around the world every year, and this epidemic is steadily rising. In fact, opiates are among the most commonly abused drugs in New Jersey. Furthermore, overdose to substances such as opiates is the leading cause of accidental deaths here in the Garden State. Thus, before you overdose, receive care at an addiction treatment center.

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    Overcome Opioid Withdrawal Symptoms At Symetria Recovery

    Opioid addiction becomes especially dangerous over time, as this type of addiction can easily result in an overdose or death. The physical and mental toll caused by opioid withdrawal needs to be addressed in a professional treatment setting with addiction treatment specialists.

    At Symetria Recovery, our team is dedicated to providing comprehensive addiction treatment that helps people being their recovery journeys. Learn more about how we can help you or a loved one heal from the physical and mental effects of opioid addiction by calling or completing our convenient online form. It may seem as though there is no hope of overcoming opioid addiction, but the truth is that our Symetria Recovery team has the knowledge and experience to help. Reach out to us today and begin the addiction treatment process immediately.

    Introduction To New Activities

    But when it comes to recovery, a person has a much higher chance of success with professional help and the types of environments often found in rehabilitation facilities.

    These environments ease the transition from an unhealthy to a healthy lifestyle and give the patient a sense of belonging to a community that has healthy goals, contributing to positive changes in mindset.

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    The 11 Symptoms Of Alcohol Abuse Disorder

    • When you drink, you often consume more than you wanted to.
    • You often try to stop drinking but cant.
    • You spend a lot of time trying to get alcohol, drinking or hungover.
    • You often crave beer, wine or other types of alcohol.
    • Your drinking has impacted your work and/or school performance and family life.
    • Continued drinking even after negative effects on your social life.
    • You still drink alcohol even though you know you might have a problem.
    • You have built up a tolerance and require a greater amount of alcohol to feel drunk and you feel sick without it.

    Do any of these symptoms sound familiar? Most people want to avoid the word alcoholic, but you have nothing to be ashamed of. This is a word that can actually help you. Acceptance is the first step in figuring out how to stop drinking.

    When you admit that you have a real disorder, it becomes much easier to seek out the right treatment. But why should you stop drinking? Lets observe some of the ways alcoholism affects the body and mind.

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