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How To Not Be Addicted To Xanax

Unexplained Dizziness Or Disorientation

7 Signs Your Loved One Is Addicted To Xanax

Dizziness and drowsiness are two main Xanax abuse side effects. A large dose can mean users feel completely disoriented. Confusion and memory loss are also common.

Pay close attention to see if your loved one is exhibiting these signs. Recognizing unexplained dizziness or slurred speech without alcohol present can definitely indicate Xanax abuse or addiction.

Warning Signs Of Xanax Addiction

Anyone can become addicted to Xanax you do not have to intentionally abuse the drug to develop a Xanax dependency. Xanax addiction can occur after prolonged usage or large dosages. If you or your teen has been prescribed Xanax, it is extremely important to monitor and limit usage. While the prescription drug does not seem harmless at first, it does bear the risk of serious medical implications down the road.

During the first few days of taking a Xanax prescription, a user may feel especially drowsy and experience a loss of coordination. But as the body grows more accustomed to the drug and its effects, these side effects begin to disappear. When they do, it is likely that a Xanax tolerance has already developed. Users with a tolerance or dependency will need to take more Xanax to achieve its calming effects, and will struggle to function throughout the day without its aid.

Short-term side effects of Xanax abuse include:

  • Sleepiness / drowsiness
  • Delirious states / out-of-body experiences
  • Breathing difficulties

When a Xanax addiction develops, a user will experience severe drug cravings and increased anxiety or panic when the drug is not directly obtainable. Xanax withdrawal symptoms also can include insomnia, body weakness, nausea, hallucinations, high body temperature, and convulsions.

What To Do If You Think A Loved One Has An Addiction

The first step is to identify any misconceptions you might have about addiction. Remember that chronic drug use changes the brain. This can make it more and more difficult to stop taking the drug.

Learn more about the risks and side effects of substance use disorders, including the signs of intoxication and overdose. Look into treatment options you can suggest to your loved one.

Think carefully about how best to share your concerns. If youre thinking about staging an intervention, remember that it might not result in a positive outcome.

Although an intervention may encourage your loved one to seek treatment, it can also have the opposite effect. Confrontation-style interventions may lead to shame, anger, or social withdrawal. In some cases, a nonthreatening conversation is a better option.

Be prepared for every possible outcome. Your loved one might refuse to admit they take drugs at all or refuse to undergo treatment. If that happens, you may find it helpful to seek out further resources or find a support group for family members or friends of people living with addiction.

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Offer Treatment Options For Alcohol And Xanax Addiction

Help your son or daughter by providing options for treatment. Simply pointing out that they have a problem and need to stop using drugs and drinking is not enough. They may feel lost, unsure what to do next, even if they do realize there is a problem. Do your research and come up with some facilities for treatment.

A great option for someone addicted to Xanax and alcohol is to commit to going to a residential treatment center, or rehab. Research indicates that effective treatment needs to last for at least three months. Treatment is also most effective when it addresses all behavioral and mental health issues. Residential care can provide long-term treatment and diagnosis and treatment of any other mental illnesses your adult child may have.

Treatment for co-occurring substance disorders should include an individualized plan, which is what your adult child can expect in a residential facility. There will be personalized care from a team of professionals with expertise in different areas. Treatment should include individual behavioral therapy, group support, medical care, and a variety of alternative and complementary therapies.

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Getting Treatment And Starting Recovery

A Look Into Xanax Addiction

When youâre ready to get help for Xanax addiction, youâll want to consider the many different treatment options available. Each person is unique and may have developed an addiction to Xanax for different reasons. Finding the right program that meets your needs and budget is crucial.

Typical treatment options for Xanax addiction include:2,5

Other things youâll want to consider when choosing an addiction treatment center are:

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Why Is Xanax So Addictive

Xanax, also known by its generic name alprazolam, belongs to a class of prescription drugs called benzodiazepines. For some people, Xanax can be an effective treatment for anxiety and panic disorders. However, Xanax users are at high risk for …

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What Is Xanax Addiction And How Does It Develop

Dopamine is a chemical that is responsible for feelings of reward in the brain.

When you eat a treat or win a race, your brain releases a small amount of dopamine. This gives you a desire to do the same thing again. Xanax addiction comes from the same process, as it changes signals in the brain to increase the amount of dopamine released.

Xanax also increases the GABA activity in your brain, which makes users feel relaxed, lightheaded, and disinhibited.

Xanax is a fast-acting benzodiazepine, so it only takes a short time to cause a significant change in the brain. It a highly addictive substance, and you are most likely to develop a Xanax addiction if you take it for several months.

If you take Xanax at high doses over a long period of time, you will likely develop a tolerance to the drug, though this can develop in just days. As your tolerance increases, you have to take higher and higher quantities to experience the same positive feelings. This intensifies the withdrawal symptoms you experience when you try to stop taking Xanax.

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The Development Of Xanax Addiction

There are two primary routes for the development of an addiction to Xanax. The first is that a person decides to try Xanax for recreational purposes and eventually develops an addiction. Some people use Xanax as a party drug for its sedative effects. They may take it without realizing how addictive it is.

The second route is when individuals receive a prescription for Xanax for legitimate medical reasons but developing an addiction after prolonged use. This is a common issue thats been hurting communities nationwide. Even for minor issues, a drug like Xanax can be prescribed which is then easily refilled. This is not something to take lightly.

Xanax is the fifth most commonly prescribed drug in the United States. A staggering number of people are requesting or taking Xanax to treat a medical condition. However, all patients taking Xanax must be careful about dosage and appropriate consumption. Avoiding the development of an addiction is far, far easier than trying to treat it after it develops.

Finding Treatment For Xanax

Xanax Addiction Signs From a Former User: Quitting Xanax!

Because it is legal, Xanax is within easy reach for many addicts, feeding the ease and comfortability of their addiction. With Xanax climbing in popularity among both teens and adults, the risk of addiction is increasing nationally.

The first step in overcoming a Xanax addiction is detox, with tapering a likely solution to get started. Many treatment centers initiate detox with the proper resources to get through the process with ease and as little discomfort as possible. Looking for a treatment center that will help you get past your Xanax addiction? to help guide you through the road to recovery.

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What Are The Dangers Of Xanax Addiction

Even without addiction, there are several dangerous side effects of Xanax, including disorientation, slurred speech, loss of coordination, memory problems, anxiety, feelings of sadness or emptiness, loss of interest or pleasure, trouble performing routine tasks, and depression.

Those who become addicted to Xanax often become so consumed with getting their medication that they let all other responsibilities, such as work, school, and family, fall to the wayside.

Addicts who increase their dosage or combine it with other drugs or alcohol put themselves at a higher risk of overdose, which can be fatal. The CDC reported that alprazolam was one of the top 10 drugs associated with overdose deaths in the US from 2010 to 2014.

Why Do Some People Abuse Xanax And Others Do Not

There are many reasons someone may suffer an addiction to Xanax. The primary three are:

  • Genetics
  • Environment
  • Family history

If people in your family struggle with addiction or mental illness, especially close relatives, you are more likely to suffer from one or both of these conditions yourself. Some genetic markers have been linked to addiction. Environmental factors may activate these markers and increase your risk of struggling with addiction to any drug, including Xanax. If you have certain mental health conditionsand anxiety disorders are one group of those conditionsthen you are at a higher risk for developing an addiction to drugs or alcohol. If you are in a stressful environment, you may begin to abuse drugs in an attempt to reduce your stress.

Most people who struggle with addiction have some combination of these factors. People who receive a prescription drug like Xanax for anxiety may take a lot of it to feel normal, and they may not want to take it short-term or as-needed because they may feel like it is the only way they can feel normal enough to function in their daily lives.

Get help overcoming Xanax addiction before any severe, life-limiting side effects occur.

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The Ins And Outs Of Xanax Addiction

Every year, doctors write more than 50 million prescriptions for Xanax. While some individuals use those prescriptions appropriately, many more suffer from a Xanax addiction and abuse them. Xanax addiction can have deadly consequences.

It is crucial to become aware of these dangers and how to recover from them as well. No matter what stage youre in, it is possible to start the road to long-term sobriety. Learning more about this drug, and addiction can be a key step toward recovery.

Its Easy To Become Addicted To Xanax

How can you tell if someone is on xanax, ALQURUMRESORT.COM

Even when Xanax is taken as prescribed, anyone can become addicted to Xanax. Dependence happens rapidly with benzos. Since Xanax addiction, or physical dependence, can occur quickly, it is crucial to recognize the effects of Xanax and the symptoms of Xanax addiction. Its also important to know the difference between Xanax abuse and long-term Xanax addiction. The countrys treatment centers have seen many long-time Xanax users with depressive symptoms.

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Youre Experiencing Financial Troubles

One of the signs of Xanax addiction is increasing financial troubles. Cleveland Clinic even notes âissues with moneyâ as a symptom of substance use disorder.

An addiction to Xanax costs money. You need to have a steady supply of Xanax, which can quickly take a toll on your finances.

Anton Bizzell, MD, substance abuse expert at The Bizzell Group, tells WebMD Connect to Care to watch out for these symptoms: “Maintaining a supply of the drug on hand, mixing with alcohol or other drugs, and developing dangerous behaviors to obtain the prescription, including stealing or getting it from the streets.”

If you have these Xanax addiction signs, itâs important to locate help immediately. And if you recognize these signs in someone you love, reach out and help them get the professional assistance they need.

Physical Dependence To Xanax Can Lead To Addiction

When you use Xanax for a period of time, your body becomes used to functioning with it in your system. The chemicals in Xanax act on your brain and central nervous system, and in turn, your brain and nervous system work to stabilize and function normally with the added drug. Over time, they adapt to functioning with the drug present this is the new normal for your brain and nervous system and it is physical dependence.

Once you are physically dependent on Xanax, you will experience withdrawal symptoms when you try to stop using it. That is your brain and the nervous system again trying to stabilize, this time without the drug. Physiological dependence on Xanax has two symptoms: tolerance and the presence of withdrawal symptoms when discontinued or doses are lowered.

Once you become physically dependent on Xanax, addiction may not be far behind. You may begin to take more of the drug to feel the effects that you used to with less. You may begin to take the medication more often than prescribed, or in higher doses. Once this behavior begins, your thoughts may become consumed with taking Xanax, how to get more, or where you can get it illegally. These thoughts may take over your life, becoming your only priority. This is what addiction is.

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Treating A Xanax Addiction At Ashley Addiction

Located in Havre de Grace, Maryland, Ashley Addiction Treatment is the ideal place for your loved one to recover from a Xanax addiction. High-quality addiction treatment is vital, and it is dangerous to attempt withdrawal without proper medical supervision.

At Ashley Addiction Treatment, patients can enjoy a comprehensive approach to recovery. Individualized care and attention ensures a safe environment for all patients. While each patient will have his or her own route to lasting sobriety, there are many substance abuse programs available, which include:

Signs Your Loved One Is Abusing Xanax

My Xanax Addiction

Xanax is a drug prescribed to treat anxiety and panic disorders. It can effectively relieve pain and anxiety, but chronic use can result in abuse and dependence. If you believe that someone you love is abusing Xanax, here are six signs to help you decide if treatment is your next step.

Xanax, the brand name for alprazolam, is a powerful benzodiazepine drug and central nervous system depressant. It is also an extremely potent schedule IV controlled substance. This type of classification makes Xanax the kind of drug that has a high risk of abuse and addiction.

Aside from its prescribed usage, many people abuse Xanax for its euphoric effects. They can also mix this benzodiazepine with other drugs and alcohol to achieve a more intense high. Unfortunately, misusing Xanax in this way can be extremely dangerous. If you suspect someone you love is abusing Xanax, it is essential to spot the signs and seek treatment immediately. Our Ohio drug rehab has several treatment options available for individuals looking to reclaim their lives from Xanax abuse and addiction.

Six signs your loved one is abusing Xanax may include:

  • using Xanax outside of prescription guidelines
  • multiple Xanax prescriptions or no prescription at all
  • changes in behavior because of Xanax use
  • physical signs of Xanax abuse
  • psychological symptoms of Xanax abuse
  • Xanax withdrawal symptoms

Lets explore these six signs in depth.

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Treatment And Therapy For Cravings

Cravings are a completely normal part of recovery. They are nothing to feel guilty or ashamed of, and they are manageable.

If you have quit using Xanax and are experiencing intense cravings, dont hesitate to seek treatment to help you overcome these cravings.

Many different forms of treatment and therapy are available, and they can teach you the appropriate skills to use in stressful situations.

  • Inpatient treatment: You reside at a rehab facility while completing detoxification, undergoing an initial mental health evaluation, then receiving ongoing individual therapy and group counseling.

Cravings Therapy

Cognitive behavioral therapy is a common therapy used to treat benzodiazepine addiction. 3 It focuses on the connection between thoughts, feelings and behaviors. CBT therapists work to repair dysfunctional thoughts to influence positive feelings and behaviors.


Helpline Information to speak to a trained advisor about treatment options for overcoming Xanax addiction and dealing with cravings.

Therapists teach you appropriate coping strategies you can use when youre triggered or experiencing Xanax cravings. Some common coping skills are as follows: 4

Can You Stop Xanax Cravings Naturally?

Some tips for managing Xanax cravings without medication include:

Dual Diagnosis and Xanax Addiction

How To Deal With Someone On Xanax

  • Assure the long-time Xanax addict that you understand they are suffering from a disease and not a lack of will.
  • Approach the person individually instead of in a group, which may be intimidating.
  • Blame the Xanax, not the person.
  • Tell the long-term Xanax user how the drug has affected their life and yours.
  • Ask the person if they are willing to accept help and possibly medical attention.
  • Remain calm and dont yell or become angry or frustrated. You cant force someone to accept the idea of going to a treatment center.
  • Seek professional guidance to prepare for this critical conversation.

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Take Care Of Yourself Along The Way

When someone you care about is struggling with an alcohol use disorder, it can be frustrating and stressful, especially when they do not seek help as quickly as you would like them to. We often think we know what is best for the people we love and we want to help in any way we can. The reality of the situation is that you cant force them to get help. They have to choose to do so on their own.

What you can do is provide them with resources and support. You can show them how much you care and want them to get help. And, you can take care of yourself by seeking counseling to manage your stress and frustration over the situation. Getting help from a counselor will allow you to be as emotionally strong and supportive as you can be for your loved ones during their time of need.

If you feel that you need extra support during these difficult times, the counseling staff at The Summit Wellness Group is here to help. Call us 24/7 at 770-299-1677.

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